blog entry for dad

My folks have been visiting for the last couple of weeks (we’re just about to leave for the airport), and Dad asked for some links we discussed. The following will probably make little or no sense to other readers:

clicking like the trilobite

clicks in my H120 recording
Darn it, but my iRiver, with this recent firmware upgrade, now records a click about every minute it records. See the regular peaks? It hasn’t completely ruined my recording of Of Montreal, but it hasn’t helped.

(and apologies for the relatively huge file size of the image; I’m just learning my mac-fu.)

and I thought that it’d hosed the recording of the encore by killing the wav file header. But some digging with sox parameters fixed it:

sox -V -t .raw -s -w -c 2 -r44100  broken.wav fixed.wav

there is no nuclear revival

Nuclear Power’s Scorned Small-Scale Competitors Are Walloping It in the Marketplace (PDF-100k)
Lovins Debunks the Notion That Nuclear Energy is the Best Investment Against Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Global Climate Change

Snowmass, Colorado, June 20, 2005 — Rocky Mountain Institute researchers today doused the hype about “nuclear revival” in an icy bath of real-world data. They documented that worldwide, the decentralized, low- or no-carbon sources of electricity — cogeneration and renewables, all claimed by nuclear advocates to be too small and too slow to help much with climate change — are already bigger than nuclear power and are quickly leaving it in the dust.


a 3 month old St Bernard puppy at the vet next door

Categorised as General Tagged

black smoke

heavy black smoke coming out the chimney stack of the Oakville Humane Society — that can’t be good.

strange inscription

A new black granite headstone at the old cemetary at Kennedy & Eglinton has the baffling inscription: Lum Lum & Bulgy.

canadian moment

A CN freight rumbles up to Kennedy on the rail spur just south of Eglinton. It stops. Two men get out. They walk up to Tim’s on the corner of Kennedy and Eglinton. They come back with double-doubles and donuts. The engine starts, the crossing lights flash, and off goes the train through the intersection.

faster mac

I upgraded the memory in Catherine‘s eMac last night. It was deathly slow with the original 128MB, but now runs good an’ fast with 384. CPUsed isn’t the cheapest place to get RAM (it’s the same 8-chip PC133 that mini-ITX boxes use), but at least it’s a Mac place, so I could rant at them if it didn’t work.

See how propriteary systems beget proprietary systems …?

ride comes before a foal

Zoë’s horse Molly gave birth this morning, much to everyone’s surprise. Everyone, I suspect, except Molly, who knew but wasn’t telling.

guns suck

Someone shot and very nearly killed the son of a friend of mine. Only after extremely complex surgery at St Mike’s does it look like he’ll pull through. Get well soon, Andrew; you’ll be parkouring again before long. His family’s requesting donations to the anti-arms-trade Project Ploughshares.

It’s strange, but in Glasgow — a city with an exceptionally violent reputation — anyone who carries a gun is seen as either a coward or mental. Gun violence in North America isn’t doing anything to change my mind.

revenge of the daylight-saved

My body decided to blissfully zizz through my 06:00 alarm, and wake me up an hour later. And since there’s only one train an hour, there’s not much point in me rushing off to get into work no earlier.