Three consecutive tracks in today’s the automatic podcast from “& His” artists:
- May Flower — Mike Shaw & His Alabama Entertainers
- Call On Me — Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band
- Reset — Casper Fandango & His Tiny Sick Tears
Three consecutive tracks in today’s the automatic podcast from “& His” artists:
Shaira & Azim next door gave us some wonderful Eid sweets, plus a teatowel with an appropriate motif. Yay, thanks!
Strange mini-sunflowers are growing up the stem of the half-dead plants.
For my mum, who didn’t believe that you could have multiple heads on the one plant:
First of the year …
Our front garden seems to be mostly convolvulus; that sneaky bindweed that trails white or pink trumpet-shaped flowers. It grows so fast, I’m wondering if you could harvest it for biomass energy.
I really dislike gardening, except for growing sunflowers. There are a bunch coming up quite well. I wonder if anyone else would like to use the rest of the garden, or suggest things to do with it?
I hope they still have pancakes at the Chateau Lacombe, for today is their day. Bet they won’t have the one true topping, being sugar and lemon juice.
Vaguely related Bob The Angry Flower content: The Time Looker-Forward Tube (caution: swerries, pancakes).
Jet lag, lack of sleep, and a whole day of company orientation isn’t doing much for my clarity of thought right now. What I need is steak and beer.
Last night’s flight was supposed to get in at 10:30, but what with WestJet‘s faffing around, we got in well after midnight. It was about 1am (or 03:00, Toronto time) before I got settled in the hotel room.
I’ve never been in a city with trolley buses before. Guess I can’t say that any more. It’s also the furthest west I’ve ever been.
I wonder if the snow drawing below (as seen from my hotel window) is supposed to be a hometown homage to Bob The Angry Flower?
It would be a good name for a band, I suppose …
… but they’re in my garden and I kind of like them. I suspect most people would call them weeds.