Tag: recording

  • Mockingbird in the Rain

    Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos) recorded at Centennial College Ashtonbee campus parking lot near Wexford Woods, 07:52 2020-04-13 (rain, handheld phone, noise filtered)

    I went out for a very soggy bike ride this morning just to get out of the house. There were a few more people out than I expected, as it’s a regular work day for most people in Ontario. COVID-19 meant that most workplaces were shuttered.

    Splashing through the puddles at Centennial College’s deserted Ashtonbee campus (round about here, if you need a precise location) I heard this mockingbird giving its very best performance. I only got a little over a minute of it, but in that time there was some American Robin, Gull, hawk of some kind and best of all (starting just after 40 s) car alarm.

    Centennial’s got a big automotive section, and the empty parking lot’s usually full of cars. Mimus was just repeating what it usually heard. I wonder how long they’ll remember and replay car alarms after we’re gone?

  • lee’s, please!

    Casper & The Cookies and The Apples in Stereo rocked Lee’s Palace. Man, was that a good show. Once my ears work again, I’ll see if my recording came out.

    Oh, and happy birthday Jason NeSmith!

  • clicking like the trilobite

    clicks in my H120 recording
    Darn it, but my iRiver, with this recent firmware upgrade, now records a click about every minute it records. See the regular peaks? It hasn’t completely ruined my recording of Of Montreal, but it hasn’t helped.

    (and apologies for the relatively huge file size of the image; I’m just learning my mac-fu.)

    and I thought that it’d hosed the recording of the encore by killing the wav file header. But some digging with sox parameters fixed it:

    sox -V -t .raw -s -w -c 2 -r44100  broken.wav fixed.wav
  • ooh, toy …

    We liked playing with Paul’s new Edirol R1 solid-state recorder. It’s kewl.

  • reminder of summer: field recording

    leopard frog, Lowbanks, ON
    A nice frog I saw when I was working in Lowbanks a couple of weeks ago.

    About the same time, and in the same field, I made a recording of crickets: Lowbanks Crickets, 15 Sep 02004. In the depths of winter, I’ll really need this sound as a reminder of what it can be like.