SeeedStudio Wio Terminal

Small screen device showing geometric pattern
Wio Terminal displaying … some kind of nonsense of mine

Some months ago, when Chloe from Seeed Studio got in touch and asked me if I’d like to write about their new Wio Terminal device, I didn’t waste any time in saying yes. I mean, would you say no to all of this?

  • 120 / 200 MHz ARM Cortex-M4F core (MicroChip ATSAMD51P19: 512 KB Flash, 192 KB RAM) with additional 4 MB Flash program/data storage and micro-SD card slot;
  • 2.4″ 320 × 240 colour screen;
  • Realtek RTL8720DN wifi / Bluetooth transceiver;
  • buttons, joystick, accelerometer, RGB LED, light sensor and IR transmitter;
  • neat case (72 × 57 × 10.4 mm) with magnetic and screw mounts;
  • Grove connectors for wiring free sensor mounting.
Wio Terminal internals
Wio Terminal internals (from Wio Terminal User Manual)

It’s got a Raspberry Pi-type header that claims compatibility. The documentation for all the ports is a cut above the usual no-name ESP8266 / STM32 stuff:

Wio Terminal pinout
Wio Terminal pinout (from Wio Terminal User Manual)

The device is in a really tidy package. Its screen, although not a touchscreen, is super sharp.

individual pixels magnified from the Wio Terminal screen
The screen is very nice: individual pixels zoomed in

There are three ways of programming the Wio Terminal:

  1. Arduino
  2. SeeedStudio’s own ArduPy
  3. CircuitPython

Each of these have pros and cons.

Arduino (get started)

  • the fastest code execution: compiled ARM binary code
  • the only way to access wifi and Bluetooth (currently)
  • slow development cycle
    (… is it just me, or has the Arduino IDE got really 🦥🦥🦥 recently?)

ArduPy (get started)

  • SeeedStudio’s own ingenious port of MicroPython to the Arduino API, as MicroPython doesn’t (yet) support the SAMD51 chip
  • Works almost, but not quite, exactly like you’d expect MicroPython to work
  • It’s a great and amazing effort, but it’s essentially a solo project, so documentation and examples are few.

CircuitPython (install)

  • developed and maintained by Adafruit as a fork of an earlier version of MicroPython
  • very actively developed, with a huge library of supported devices.
CircuitPython text mode Mandelbrot set: about all I managed with that system. And yes, I did eventually take the screen protector sheet off

Here’s the major problem I have with all of these development toolkits for the Wio Terminal: none of them provide high-level access to the device’s sensors and outputs. Compare this with Adafruit, who create things like the Adafruit_CircuitPython_CircuitPlayground module. On that board, you can access the LEDs, speaker, etc without having to go back to the schematic to find out which pin each of them is connected to. Because of this, I’ve only been able to scratch the surface of what the Wio Terminal can do.

In summary:

  • It’s really nicely made, and the µC inside is very powerful
  • It’s not too expensive: US $29
  • All of the software stacks aren’t particularly mature
    (but it’s only been available since March 2020)
  • Documentation is at the “datasheet + trial/error” stage
  • The 40-pin connector isn’t completely compatible with Raspberry Pi:
    • Serial RX/TX aren’t crossed
    • ILI9341 display isn’t broken out to header
  • … although you can (and I verified this in a live demo at a user group) use a Wio Terminal as a tiny HMI (Human Machine Interface) USB display for Linux machines

The Wio Terminal is a little too powerful to be thought of as a simple micro-controller platform, but not quite powerful enough to be a standalone general purpose computer. I wish I could find a great application for it, though.

This post is modified from the talk I gave to the Toronto Raspberry Pi Meetup group in December 2020: SeeedStudio Wio Terminal: Applications with the Raspberry Pi. Thanks to Chloe and all at SeeedStudio for sending it to me.

Seeed is the IoT hardware enabler providing services over 10 years that empower makers to realize their projects and products. Seeed offers a wide array of hardware platforms and sensor modules ready to be integrated with existing IoT platforms and one-stop PCB fabrication and PCB assembly service. Seeed Studio provides a wide selection of electronic parts including Arduino  Raspberry Pi and many different development board platforms  Especially the Grove System help engineers and makers to avoid jumper wires problems. Seeed Studio has developed more than 280 Grove modules covering a wide range of applications that can fulfill a variety of needs.

Disclosure: SeedStudio sent me this unit free of charge.

Thursday Morning Gravity Wells

two sets of osculating circles, one in red, the other blue, offset by 180° to create interference fringes
made with gcmc and some fiddling about in Inkscape

Since I have the MidTBot ESP32 plotter running properly, I thought I should look at better ways of generating G-Code than using BASIC and lots of print statements. Ed Nisley — from whom I’ve learned a lot — always seems to be doing interesting things using the gcmc – G-Code Meta Compiler, and it looks like a useful little language to learn.

Here’s the code to make at least half of the above:

   osculating circles - scruss, 2021-01
   gcmc version

   Usage with midTbot / grbl_esp32:

   gcmc osccirc.gcmc | grep -v '^G64' > osccirc.gcode

   Or for SVG:

   gcmc --svg --svg-no-movelayer --svg-toolwidth=0.25 osccirc.gcmc | sed 's/stroke:#000000/stroke:#C80022/g;' > osccirc.svg
comment("osculating circles - scruss, 2021-01");

/* machine constants */
up 	      = [-, -, 5.0mm];
down 	      = [-, -, 0.0mm];
park 	      = [5.0mm, 145.0mm, 5.0mm];

/* model parameters */
centre	      = [100.0mm, 75.0mm];
r	      = 65.0mm;
lim_r	      = 3.0mm;
pr	      = r;
a	      = 0.0deg;
da	      = 6.0deg;
sc	      = 0.95;
comment("centre: ", centre, "; r: ", r, "; lim_r: ", lim_r, "; pr: ", pr, "; a: ", a, "; da: ", da, "; sc: ", sc);

/* counter / sense marker */
n	      = 0;

do {
   centre += [(pr-r)*cos(a), (pr-r)*sin(a)];
   goto([centre.x - r, centre.y]);
   if (n%2) {
   else {
   a += 360.0deg + da;
   a %= 360.0deg;
   pr = r;
   r *= sc;
} while (r >= lim_r);

/* end */
comment(n, " circles");

Osculating Circles

Fine gold circles drawn on a black background. Circles decrease evenly in size and are arranged as it to form a spiral from the points where the circles touch
Gold pen on black paper, 13 × 13 cm

So I guess I did learn how to plot circles in G Code successfully …

Book: Fortran techniques with special reference to non-numerical applications (1972)

Programming flow diagram, with the flow of a program using subroutines on the left ("closed coding") and the same structure on the right written as a series of GOTO-controlled sections ("open coding") to save computer memory and execution time
“Subroutines do, however, bring with them considerable
overheads in both space and execution time

Imagine you have a programming task that involves parsing and analyzing text. Nothing complicated: maybe just breaking it into tokens. Now imagine the only programming language you had available:

  • has no text handling functions at all: you can pack characters into numeric types, but how they are packed and how many you get per type are system dependent;
  • allows integers in variables starting with the letters I→N, with A→H and O→Z floating point;
  • has IF … THEN but no ELSE, with the preferred form being
    IF (expr) neg, zero, pos
    where expr is the expression to evaluate, and neg, zero and pos are statement labels to jump to if the evaluation is negative, zero or positive, respectively;
  • has only enough memory for (linear, non-associative) arrays of a couple of thousand entries;
  • disallows recursion completely;
  • charges for computing time such that a solo researcher’s work might cost many times their salary in a few weeks.

Sounds impossible, right? But that’s the world described in Colin Day’s book from 1972, Fortran techniques with special reference to non-numerical applications.

The programming language used is USA Standard FORTRAN X3.9 1966, commonly known as Fortran IV after IBM’s naming convention. For all it looks crude today, Fortran was an efficient, sod-the-theory-just-get-the-job-done language that allowed numerical problems to be described as a text program and solved with previously impossible speed. Every computer shipped with some form of Fortran compiler at the time. Day wasn’t alone working within Fortran IV’s text limitations in the early 1970s: the first Unix tools at Bell Labs were written in Fortran IV — that was before they built themselves their own toolchain and invented the segmentation fault.

The book is a small (~ 90 page) delight, and is a window into system limitations we might almost find unimaginable. Wanna create a lookup table of a thousand entries? Today it’s a fraction of a thought and microseconds of program time. But nearly fifty years ago, Colin Day described methods of manually creating two small index and target arrays and rolling your own hash functions to store and retrieve stuff. Text? Hollerith constants, mate; that’s yer lot — 6HOH HAI might fit in one computer word if you were running on big iron. Sorting and searching (especially without recursion) are revealed to be the immensely complex subjects they are, all hidden behind today’s one-liner methods. Day shows methods to simulate recursion with arrays standing in for pointer stacks of GO TO targets (:coding_horror_face:). And if it’s graphics you want, that’s what the line printer’s for:

Damped cosine 2d function density plot rendered as mono-spaced characters, approximately 60 colums across, made up of only X, 0, *, +, - and space characters
“… the most serious drawback to a density plot of the type shown above is the limited number of characters used to represent the height above the page.”
(This image was deemed impressive enough by Cambridge University Press that they used it as the cover of the book. The same function became a bit of a visual cliché, with home computers being able to render it in colour and isometric 3D less than a decade later.)

Why do I like this book enough to track down a used copy, import it, scan it, correct it and upload it to the Internet Archive? To me, it shows the layers we now take for granted, and the privilege we have with these hard problems of half a century ago being trivially soluble on a $10 computer the size of a stick of gum. When we run today’s massive AI models with little interest in the underlying assumptions but a sharp focus on getting the results we want, we do a disservice to the years of R&D that got us here.

The ‘charges for computing time’ comment above is from Colin’s website. Early central computing facilities had the SaaS billing down solid, partly because many mainframes were rented from the vendor and system usage was accounted for in minute detail. Apparently the system Colin used (when a new lecturer) was at another college, and it was the custom to send periodic invoices for CPU time and storage used back to the user’s department. Nowhere on these invoices did it say that these accounts were for information only and were not payable. Not the best way to greet your users.

(Incidentally, if you hate yourself and everyone else around you, you can get a feel of system billing on any Linux system by enabling user quotas. You’ll very likely stop doing this almost immediately as the restrictions and reporting burden seem utterly alien to us today.)

While the book is still very much in copyright, the copy I have sat unread at Lakehead University Library since June 1995; the due date slip’s still pasted in the back. It’s been out of print at Cambridge University Press since May 1987, even if they do have a plaintive/passive aggressive “hey we could totally make an ebook of this if you really want it” link on their site. I — and the lovely folks hosting it at the Internet Archive — have saved them from what’s evidently too much trouble. I won’t even raise an eyebrow if they pull a Nintendo and start selling this scan.

Colossal thanks to Internet Archive for making the book uploading process much easier than I thought it was. They’ve completely revamped the processing behind it, and the fully open-source engine gives great results. As ever, if you assumed you knew how to do it, think again and read the How to upload scanned images to make a book guide. Uploading a zip file of images is much easier than mucking about with weird command-line TIFF and PDF tools. The resulting PDF is about half the size of the optimized scans I uploaded, and it’s nicely tagged with metadata and contains (mostly) searchable text. It took more than an hour to process on the archive’s spectacularly powerful servers, though, so I hate to think what Colin Day’s bill would have been in 1972 for that many CPU cycles … or if even a computer of that time, given enough storage, could complete the project by now.

CMHC model house designs, 1947–1978

Almost any part of suburban Toronto brings a sameness of houses. Many neighbourhoods were built as a block, in the same year, in the same style. In order to encourage solid and financially-sound building design, the government agency Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (initially Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation; but always CMHC) sponsored house design competitions and paid architects a royalty for use of their designs in return for making the plans available inexpensively to all.

(I should note that that “available … to all” came with a fairly heavy dose of colonialism. As with credit to Francophone Canadians in the 19th century, mortgage finance was denied to First Nations people in Canada until very recently. Just part of the conciliation we have to do before there’s a hope of useful reconciliation.)

So many suburban neighbourhoods come straight out of the CMHC catalogues. CMHC houses are featured in Douglas Coupland’s Souvenir of Canada. They’re not part of the the whole majestic Canada thing, but they are as Canadian as _____.

I came across a tweet the other day about the CMHC catalogues:

I went to the site and there were loads of catalogues there, all languishing unbrowsably in boring old FTP folders. So I decided to upload all the CMHC Small House designs that I could find on Here’s a sampler from each of the decades that are available:

Plan 47-10: 700 sq ft. (1947)
Bungalows and split-level houses: designs 112 and 132 (1954)
Modèle 762 Architecte: JOHN BIRD, Westmount, Qué.    Il s’agit ici d’une grande maison en brique sur bois, à mi-étages, à  trois chambres. Le garage est au niveau du sol, et sept marches  conduisent à la porte avant. Le living-room est à l'avant de la maison.  Derrière celui-ci et sept marches plus bas, sont situées la salle familiale  et la cuisine. Les chambres sont à huit marches au-dessus du niveau  du living-room. Le plafond du living-room est à la même hauteur que  le plafond des chambres. Il y a une salle de toilette en bas, près de  Pentrée latérale. Le sous-sol qui contient le chauffage et l’entreposage,  est situé sous le living-room seulement. La meilleure orientation    serait de placer le côté gauche face au nord.
Modèle 762 – Architecte: JOHN BIRD, Westmount, QC. (1965)
Design 1.09M: 97.7 m² (1977)

So many houses. So many neighbourhoods. So many families. So many stories. So many homes.

These are all of the CMHC design catalogues that I put up on Internet Archive:

  1. 67 Homes for Canadians (1947)
  2. Small House Designs: Bungalows (1949)
  3. Small House Designs: 1½-storey (1949)
  4. Small House Designs: 2-storey (1949)
  5. Small House Designs: Bungalows (1950)
  6. Small House Designs: 1½-storey (1950)
  7. Small House Designs: 2-storey (1950)
  8. Modèles de Maisons: Région de Québec (1950)
  9. West Coast House Designs (c.1950)
  10. Small House Designs: Bungalows (1952)
  11. Small House Designs: 1½-storey (1952)
  12. Small House Designs: 2-storey (1952)
  13. DND Small House Designs (1954)
  14. Small House Designs: Bungalows and split-level houses (1954)
  15. Small House Designs: Two-storey and 1½ storey houses (1954)
  16. Modèles de Maisons: Région de Québec (1954)
  17. Small House Designs (1957)
  18. Modèles de Petites Maisons (1957)
  19. Small House Designs (1958)
  20. Small House Designs – Supplement (1958)
  21. Modèles de Petites Maisons (1958)
  22. Modèles de Petites Maisons – Supplément (1958)
  23. Small House Designs (1962)
  24. Small House Designs (1965)
  25. Small House Designs Supplement (1965)
  26. Modèles de Petites Maisons (1965)
  27. House Designs / Modèles de Maisons (1968)
  28. House Designs / Modèles de Maisons (1968; Supplement 1)
  29. House Designs / Modèles de Maisons (1968; Supplement 2)
  30. House Designs / Modèles de Maisons (1971)
  31. House Designs / Modèles de Maisons (1972)
  32. House Designs / Modèles de Maisons (1974)
  33. A Selection of Small House Designs (1976)
  34. Modest House Designs 1977
  35. Modest House Designs 1977 (Metric edition)

They’re all downloaded from CMHC’s FTP site ( A dedicated urban architecture archivist could have a field day there.

CMHC link via Elie Bourget – thanks!


One of the earlier acknowledgements of the inevitability of TIMTOWTDI in programming:

In computing there is always more than one correct way of approaching a given problem. Generally a standard mathematical method for solution can be found, or a method developed. Programs using the same method can still be written in more than one correct way.
from Digital Equipment Corporation, PDP-8 Handbook Series: Programming Languages (May 1970), p.12-6

Admittedly, it’s talking about BASIC — and by BASIC, PDP-8 BASIC was very basic¹ indeed — but there’s always more than one correct way to implement a solution.

¹: no text string handling, variable names limited to two characters in [A-Z][0-9] format, IF…THEN can only take a line number as argument (as with Dartmouth BASIC), one statement per line, max 350 lines or so. I’d heard that DEC thought that BASIC was going to be a passing fad and that their own FOCAL language was going to “win”, so their BASIC offerings were deliberately given less attention than FOCAL. Hmm …

making Apple II cassette audio using the Epple-II emulator

Screenshot of "Epple-II" Apple II emulator running a 3D sync wav plot in purple
yes, it’s PLOTPOURRI

as requested on reddit:

  • on Linux, you’ll probably need a development system, 6502 assembler and SDL2 libraries: sudo apt install git build-essential autoconf automake libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev xa65
  • download from or git clone
  • similarly, download Apple II ROMs from or
  • build Epple-II: cd Epple-II && ./bootstrap && ./configure && make
  • install Epple-II: sudo make install
  • build ROMs: cd ../Apple-II-Source/ && ./bootstrap && ./configure && make
  • install ROMs: sudo make install
  • comment out demo rom and uncomment your rom choice in /usr/local/etc/epple2/epple2.conf
  • start Epple-II: epple2
    (Don’t try epple2 &; the emulator will hang)
  • in the Epple-II console (F5), create a blank tape image: cassette blank prog.wav
  • in the main Epple-II window, paste in your BASIC source (F7) then save it: SAVE. This may take some time, and there will be a beep
  • back in the Epple-II console, write the tape image: cassette save
  • still in the Epple-II console, close the tape image: cassette eject out
  • your Apple II BASIC program is in the file prog.wav.

For example, here’s Plotpourri‘s BASIC code saved to tape:

It’s also a pretty decent Apple II emulator, too.

bench64: a new BASIC benchmark index for 8-bit computers

Nobody asked for this. Nobody needs this. But here we are …

commodore 64 screen shot showing benchmark results:
basic bench index
>i good. ntsc c64=100

1/8 - for:
 60 s; 674.5 /s; i= 100
2/8 - goto:
 60 s; 442.3 /s; i= 100
3/8 - gosub:
 60 s; 350.8 /s; i= 100
4/8 - if:
 60 s; 242.9 /s; i= 100
5/8 - fn:
 60 s; 60.7 /s; i= 100
6/8 - maths:
 60 s; 6.4 /s; i= 100
7/8 - string:
 60 s; 82.2 /s; i= 100
8/8 - array:
 60 s; 27.9 /s; i= 100

overall index= 100

bench64 running on the reference system, an NTSC Commodore 64c

Inspired by J. G. Harston’s clever but domain-specific ClockSp benchmark, I set out to write a BASIC benchmark suite that was:

  1. more portable;
  2. based on a benchmark system that more people might own;
  3. and a bunch of other less important ideas.

Since I already had a Commodore 64, and seemingly several million other people did too, it seemed like a fair choice to use as the reference system. But the details, so many details …

basic bench index
>i good. ntsc c64=100

1/8 - for:
 309.5 s; 130.8 /s; i= 19 
2/8 - goto:
 367.8 s; 72.1 /s; i= 16 
3/8 - gosub:
 340.9 s; 61.7 /s; i= 18 
4/8 - if:
 181.8 s; 80.1 /s; i= 33 
5/8 - fn:
 135.3 s; 26.9 /s; i= 44 
6/8 - maths:
 110.1 s; 3.5 /s; i= 54 
7/8 - string:
 125.8 s; 39.2 /s; i= 48 
8/8 - array:
 103 s; 16.3 /s; i= 58 

overall index= 29
It was entirely painful running the same code on a real ZX Spectrum at under â…“ the speed of a C64

(I mean: who knew that Commodore PET BASIC could run faster or slower depending on how your numbered your lines? Not me — until today, that is.)

While the benchmark doesn’t scale well for BASIC running on modern computers — the comparisons between a simple 8-bit processor at a few MHz and a multi-core wildly complex modern CPU at many GHz just aren’t applicable — it turns out I may have one of the fastest 8-bit BASIC computers around in the matchbox-sized shape of the MinZ v1.1 (36.864 Z180, CP/M 2.2, BBC BASIC [Z80] v3):

>I GOOD. NTSC C64=100

1/8 - FOR:
 3.2 S; 12778 /S; I= 1895 
2/8 - GOTO:
 6.1 S; 4324.5 /S; I= 978 
3/8 - GOSUB:
 3.1 S; 6789 /S; I= 1935 
4/8 - IF:
 2.9 S; 4966.9 /S; I= 2046 
5/8 - FN:
 3.5 S; 1030.6 /S; I= 1698 
6/8 - MATHS:
 1.5 S; 255.3 /S; I= 4000 
7/8 - STRING:
 2.6 S; 1871.6 /S; I= 2279 
8/8 - ARRAY:
 3.1 S; 540.3 /S; I= 1935 


That’s more than 9× the speed of a BBC Micro Model B.

Github link: bench64 – a new BASIC benchmark index for 8-bit computers.

Archive download:

Raspberry Pi Meetup tonight: the SeedStudio Wio Terminal

Anthopomorphized line drawing of the Wio terminal, with a simple smiling face on the screen, waving arms and legs with feet underneath
Wio Terminal-chan, the mascot for SeedStudio’s Wio Terminal

Hey – the Toronto Raspberry Pi Meetup Group is meeting online tonight! All welcome: you don’t have to be in/near Toronto to attend.

I’ll be introducing the SeeedStudio Wio Terminal: a flexible, small input and display device. The Wio Terminal has many interesting uses — including as an adjunct to or even alternative to the Raspberry Pi

Thursday, December 10, 2020
7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST

Signup link:
or directly on Google Meet:


micro:bit croc clip keeper

micro:bit educational electronic board with a small 3d-printed comb-like device protecting the contacts from alligator/croc clips shorting
this clip won’t short!

tiny guard piece to stop croc clips / alligator clips shorting out on your micro:bit. Designed entirely from the Kitronik mechanical drawings, as the official ones are useless.

All the other designs like this on Thingiverse that I tried were really hard to print. Apart from a small amount of bridging (which any printer should be able to handle) this one should be easier.

Thingiverse link: micro:bit croc clip keeper by scruss

Absurdly prescriptive but helpful Dupont connector instructable …

prototyping board with small microcontroller (Trinket MO) connected to a small breadboard via three header wires using dupont pin connectors
artistically soft-focus Dupont connectors

Dupont connectors — the little doohickeys at the end of jumper wires — are great if you never have to build them yourself. You’ll probably attempt it once with the wrong tools, and while the scars are healing you’ll vow never to do it again.

I recently bought a cheap crimp kit to build the MidTBot ESP32 plotter. My first attempts were, one might say, crap. But I wanted to clean up some of the cables from my desk, and one of them was a horrible taped-together set of jumper wires to use with a ST-LINK V2 compatible In-Circuit Programmer. Surely I could do better than my first try?

I did — thanks to this Instructable: Make a Good Dupont Pin-Crimp EVERY TIME!. Yes, it’s very long. Yes, it’s all about the only way to do it. Curiously, though, it’s actually right: I got all 8 connectors made while only wasting one.

The absolutely golden detail that improved my success was making the connector jig out of a little bit of pin header. This made the process mostly repeatable and quite a bit faster. And the guide has some really helpful failure matrices:

failure matrix for making Dupont connectors from Instructables
all of the above, before I knew what I was doing

I wouldn’t go out of my way to make Dupont connectors now — they’re still fiddly and slow — but now I have the tools, parts and skills to make less of a mess of them.

memo to self: trivial HP-GL → GCode converter

an outlined lozenge with the work "Phween!" in italcis in teh centre. The text is hatched diagonally.
what the sample files render

Updated: here’s a better one. Who knew that hp2xx had a gcode mode built in?

hp2xx -t -m nc -z 0 -Z 5 -f - file.hpgl | grep -v '^M0.' | sed 's/^G01/G0/;' | awk 'BEGIN {print "G21\nG90";} END {print "G0 Z5";} {print;}' > file.gcode

Aah, no: forget the stuff below.

hp2xx -t -m hpgl -f - phweeen.hpgl | sed 's/;/\n/g;' | grep -v '^SP' | grep -v PA | awk -F, 'BEGIN {print "G0X0Y0Z5";} /^PU/ {sub(/PU/, "", $1); printf("G0Z5\nG0X%fY%f\n", $1/40.0, $2/40.0);} /^PD/ {sub(/PD/, "", $1); printf("G0Z0\nG0X%fY%fZ0\n", $1/40.0, $2/40.0);} END {print "G0Z5";}' > ~/Desktop/phweeen.gcode
  1. likely targets a MidTBot a little too much
  2. ignores pen changes
  3. assumes pen up means tool Z=5 and pen down means tool Z=0
  4. only understands PU (move) and PD (draw) commands
  5. requires hp2xx
  6. tested with trivially few sample files exported as HP-GL from Inkscape
  7. doesn’t care about paper size; your plotter does, though.

Arduino Nano “Dead Bug” Case

Arduino Nano in 3d printed case with pin label
Arduino Nano in 3d printed case with pin label

I like Arduino Nanos. They’re cheap. They work. They’re small. But they’re a bit fiddly, what with their breadboard legs and tiny pin labels. Wouldn’t it be nicer to use them as self-contained units, with Dupont wires coming from the pins?

This is where nspohrer’s Arduino Nano case with completely accessible pins comes in:

Arduino Nano case with completely accessible pins, from Thingiverse
Arduino Nano case with completely accessible pins, from Thingiverse

Flip it over, label the pins, and you’ve got a polished little microcontroller in a box. And do I have just the right label for you …

Reversed Arduino Nano pin label
Reversed Arduino Nano pin label
(PDF behind the linked image)

I’ve even included the original SVG so you can make custom versions. Please ignore the “micro” in the name … they are really for the Nano.

Arduino Micro label
no, really … this is an Arduino Micro label for the appropriate case on Thingiverse

And PDF files, for ease of printing:

Stand for PROTODOME’s 4000AD chiptune album

4000AD album PCB in stand, with Print+ 3D printed headphones in foreground
4000AD album PCB in stand, with Print+ 3D printed headphones in foreground

So Dr. Blake “PROTODOME” Troise (previously) made a chiptune album that’s entirely synthesized by an Atmel/Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller in realtime. And every chip needs a PCB, right? So Blake released the album as a physical device you can solder up for yourself.

Of course, having the PCB lying flat doesn’t allow you to see Marianne Thompson’s great pixel cover art, or read the liner notes on the back — and risks having the circuit short out on random tinny things on your desk. (Maybe that’s just my desk, though.)

This stand allows you to display the board at a convenient 75° angle, but also allows the PCB to be flipped forward so you can read the liner notes comfortably. Yeah, I may have been a crate-digger at one time.


(or Thingiverse link:

4000AD album PCB in stand, front view
4000AD album PCB in stand, rear view (messy Kapton taping optional)
4000AD album PCB stand in black low-sheen PLA


geometric pattern made from two floral type ornaments designed by David Bethel
my first decent vector rendering of David Bethel’s “Glint” typographic ornaments (Monotype B1309 & B1310, 1956)

I’m really enjoying Elisabeth Fraser’s The Glint Game, a delightfully nerdy pattern diversion that uses real metal type.

squared pad with floral imprints and metal type in plastic holders
18pt Glint Game from Frauhaus

calculator for engineering nerds

For something to do with my head, I’m taking the RAC Advanced Ham Radio course. The exam uses a non-programmable scientific calculator. I thought that all my calculators were programmable, but we found this one lurking in the basement and it’s just perfect:

Casio fx-115MS scientific calculator
SI prefixes above 1…9 on the fx-115MS: f, p, n µ, m, k, M, G, T

This is one of the few calculators I’ve seen that both displays and takes inputs in SI units. How to put it into SI engineering display mode is explained in this delightful (archived) site Casio fx-115MS.

Entering numbers with SI prefixes is simple: type the number, then Shift and hit the prefix. So to enter 300000, you’d type 300 Shift 4 to get 300 k.

You do have to be a little careful reading the display in this mode, though. The display above reads 221 × 10-3 (from the m at right), or 0.221.

I don’t see any calculator in Casio’s current range that offers this handy feature. Guess I’m lucky I found it before the exam!