Tag: dave

  • is that you, dave?

    New age singer Deva Premal’s name is an anagram of “Dave Palmer”.

  • in and around the van

    Spent a pleasant, if damp, day scooting around Vancouver and environs with Dave. After a quick tour of Granville Island, we headed off to the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia. We then had lunch at Fuel, which is extremely good.

    We had to work off lunch somehow, so we hiked around Lynn Canyon Park, which includes the nifty and shoogly Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge. Back at Dave & Leanne’s place, we decided on dinner and a movie, but I had to bail on the movie ‘cos my cold was getting bad.

    Vancouver is so green. I like it.

  • tunes I must learn (eventually)

    Not all of these could be classed as banjo tunes, but I’d want to try, anyway:

    • The Coo-Coo Bird (it’s not optional)
    • The Old Plank Road (Uncle Dave’s delivery, which was more demented than the Rounders)
    • Hot Corn, Cold Corn (like HMR; just how does one spell moo’m moo’m moo’m de boo’m boo’m de boo’m?)
    • I’m Going In A Field (Nic Jones style)
    • Bridges & Balloons (Joanna’s song’s just crying out to be covered with a broad Glasgow accent)
    • Needle of Death (too many banjo tunes are too happy)
    • Ghost (the Neutral Milk Hotel one)
    • something by Sufjan (even if Peter Stampfel says he plays banjo kind of boringly)
    • I Love How You Love Me (like Mangum, not Spector)
  • the computer does work

    Picked up the new computer from Canada Computers yesterday. High-end it isn’t, but it’s more than adequate. It’s an AMD Sempron 3000+ (on a Foxconn K8M890M2MA-RS2H motherboard), with 1GB RAM, 80GB SATA disk and a DVD±RW drive. There was change out of $400, including tax.

    It’s running Ubuntu for AMD64. While there are a few things I don’t have configured, it was all installed in under an hour. It reminds me a bit of OS X. There’s one thing it does better than the Mac; it knows about duplex printers, and assumes you want to be able to print duplex. Under OS X, you have to choose two-sided every time you print. Thanks to Davey for originally putting me on to Ubuntu. My life’s too short to mess with linux configs.

    Now I need to move the old hard drive over as a spare, and fit the various cards from the old machine.