Never noticed this tiny icon in Adobe Acrobat Reader:
Looks kinda weird when enlarged:
The person in line in front of me had:
I’m pretty sure I know what their day holds.
I had this Indian sweet last night. It’s good; better than that, maybe. It’s an ultra-friable milk, sugar, flour and nut delicacy, with a strange layered consistency. If you thought that tablet melts in the mouth, this positively vanishes. Good stuff — I shall look out for it.
Update: I found it. Two stores within five minutes of the house have it. When it’s in little squares, it’s soan papri. When it’s in little cakes, it’s soan cake. Either way, it’s good.
The cigarette butt was a nice touch to this brutally stomped birthday cake, I thought. I wonder what its story is?
Donna Cansfield, provincial energy minister, officially opened Kingsbridge Wind Farm today. We had cake.
I hope they still have pancakes at the Chateau Lacombe, for today is their day. Bet they won’t have the one true topping, being sugar and lemon juice.
Vaguely related Bob The Angry Flower content: The Time Looker-Forward Tube (caution: swerries, pancakes).
Alex, who bags groceries at Denninger’s in Burlington commented on my Nairn’s oatcake purchase. Seems he’s from Rutherglen and environs too.
Finland’s national poet Johan Ludvig Runeberg was born 200 years ago today. If you can’t have a holiday, at least have one of Runeberg’s cupcakes. They sound yummy.
The WindShare/Toronto Hydro wind turbine was officially one year old yesterday. Coincidentally, we’ve generate 1,000,000 kWh, too.
There was a big event at Liberty Grand at the CNE. The cake was particularly good.