The little kite shape
fell out of an arch design I was studying, and I thought it was too nice to throw away. Must’ve been something about the falling leaves that made me choose colours like these.
Here’s the SVG, if you care to:
work as if you live in the early days of a better nation
The little kite shape
fell out of an arch design I was studying, and I thought it was too nice to throw away. Must’ve been something about the falling leaves that made me choose colours like these.
Here’s the SVG, if you care to:
I’m at the OEA conference. The energy industry is a strange little ecosystem.
Nice view of the falls, though.
We made a special detour via Smith’s Falls, and the Hershey factory store had no Payday bars. Aargh!
I’m at YYZ, and despite the Canadian passport, I’m still Mr Designated Searched Guy. Thought that the passport might’ve changed things, but no. Sigh…
It does mean I no longer have to do those dumb visa waiver things, yay!
And it didn’t help that part of one of the lighting panels started to fall off inside the cabin before takeoff, so we had to taxi back, get it fixed, and head back out an hour later. Gotta love Air Canada.
Yup, Chernobyl was 20 years ago. Let’s just have a wee pause for a technology that’s still messing us up, yet we’re told it’s the green technology of the future. Yeah, and I bet it’ll be too cheap to meter, too.
There are still farms in Scotland affected by the fallout from Chernobyl. Though, what with all the nuke plants in Scotland, it could be any one of them that’s the real culprit.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a wind farm to survey …
Neat eBay find; an unused Gillette Travel razor:
It is absolutely tiny, and it looks as if it has never been opened, let alone used. The blades are still in their cellophane wrapping, and the razor has its cardboard “blade” in place. I wonder how old it is?
The case doesn’t look very robust (it’s that cardboard leatherette that falls apart at the slightest use) but I’ll be able to shave in style anywhere in the world.
One forgets how quickly — and how extravagantly — a carved pumpkin goes mouldy. It’s positively fluffy.