Tag: bag

  • big ole bagel

    City Cafe Bakery, at the corner of Victoria & Strange (!) in Kitchener has the best bagels.

    I hadn’t been there for years. Last time was with Steve Izma (typesetter and BTL Books guru) and his family, who are regulars.

    Being Scottish and consequently dough-addicted, CCB is heaven.

  • my letter to etymotic

    To: Etymotic Research Inc. Customer Support

    I recently placed an order with you for accessories for my Isolator ER-6i headphones. I was very disappointed when UPS added an additional brokerage charge of approximately US$27 (plus taxes and duties) to the order. Since the value of the the order was only $43, your courier’s brokerage charge was almost two-thirds the value of the goods ordered.

    Please consider using another courier for Canadian orders. USPS/Canada Post’s brokerage charges are much smaller, of the order of $5.

    I would also like to note that none of your agents in Toronto seems able to stock these spares. I visited all three of the dealers mentioned on your website:

    • Long & McQuade had no stock, and didn’t seem particularly keen on ordering any for me.
    • Carbon Computers, though very helpful, only had eartips for the ER-6, and didn’t know that they wouldn’t work with the ER-6i.
    • CPUsed sold me an incomplete bag of ER6-14 eartips; only 6 tips for the full price of 10. When they weren’t assuring me that they’d work with the ER-6i, they were trying to sell me a set of Shure E2C headphones, which they said were better.

    Up until now, I have been widely recommending your products. Until I know that you’re serious about supporting your Canadian customers, however, I cannot recommend your products to anyone in this country.

  • review of CanWEA 2005 swag bag

    So I’m at the 2005 CanWEA conference for the next few days. The swag bag is a standard nondescript nylon thing, thankfully big enough to take my iBook and a few other bits and pieces. The contents are a bit disappointing, though:

    • a very plasticky flashlight that I may discard after harvesting its batteries.
    • a small bag of jujubes.
    • a copy of North American Windpower magazine (which in itself is quite a decent magazine, so is actually one of the highlights).
    • a trade show guide, but no conference program (they were held up in customs; can’t we print ’em here?)
    • various company brochures, zzzz.

    You’ll note an absence of useful pens, pads, USB keys, model turbines, or other special swag. I was hoping for more …

  • Rolser shopping cart

    My late grandmother’s intense dislike of them notwithstanding, it looks like a shopping cart from Rolser Canada could be just the thing for the carfree-about-town. Lugging shopping bags about is teh suk.

    The intensely tony Pepper Mill in Hazelton Lanes seems to be the stockist for Toronto.

  • the ruglonian conspiracy

    Alex, who bags groceries at Denninger’s in Burlington commented on my Nairn’s oatcake purchase. Seems he’s from Rutherglen and environs too.