I’m on a Viva bus heading south from Glenn & Mollie‘s BBQ in Aurora. The vanHool bendybus is fast and comfortable, and I like the stops with the next bus time display. Wish we had this service in Scarborough.
Tag: york
rip the carpet up off the floor
It’s moving day. We’re moving the office from North York to downtown. Very downtown, in fact; 200 University, almost my old Oanda stamping ground.
In celebration of leaving Vic Park & Sheppard, I guess I really must have one last burger from Johnny’s…
uptown senga
The Yorkville matron, clad in too much Burberry, doesn’t realise she looks like a chav.
This is the Michelin commercial theme …
Manfred Mann and Mike Hug – The Michelin Theme
(More info at discogs. MP3 originally nicked from Steve York‘s site, and then lost on an obscure corner of my backup drive. Steve played bass on this track.)
the search for fair trade coffee @ SB’s
got a tall Estima (supposedly fair trade — they didn’t know) at the First Canadian Place branch at Adelaide & York, Toronto. It’s okay, but most fair trade coffees are too light for me.