We were visited by four small raccoons this morning, who decided to practice their judo moves on the back deck.
Tag: raccoon
Welcome to Trash Panda City
And there was much clambering and chittering #squee
the glowing-eyed teddy bear of DOOM!!!!!!!!!
signs of life in Scarborough
A fat brown raccoon without a tail is digging for bugs in our back lawn.
wind turbine raccoon sees you
… and is unimpressed.
We encountered a raccoon last night. It was somewhat surprised to see us. Almost as much as we were to find it on top of the steps to a wind turbine.
the bird that you can see
We had a wildlife day today. At breakfast, we had a large raccoon amble across the deck. At lunchtime when I was setting up the grill, this large hawk was looming above me:
What alerted me was the skrrt, skrrt of it rubbing its beak on the aerial, as in the last picture. Once it had finished gnawing on its recently deceased dinner, it sat about for a bit (quite literally fed up) seeming unperturbed by me sticking a big ol’ lens at it. But then, if you had Leatherman tools for hands and tin-snips for a face, you wouldn’t be worried about anyone trying to mess with you either.
damp bandit
I was busy making Möbius strips out of till roll, when I became aware of a little face watching me at the window. A very damp raccoon had one paw up on the window sill, and was looking at me as if to ask, “What are you doing making single-sided paper figures on a night like this?”
my, how you’ve grown!
One of the little raccoons walked along the back wall this morning.
mother’s day treat: critters!
We were visited by the raccoon family last night; mother and four little ones. Please excuse the ‘painterly’ blur; it’s kinda hard to handhold a 300mm lens for 1/3s exposure. Plus, wee raccoons are speedy little things.
This one was taken a few days back (of the mother alone) in better light:
bandits in the backyard
momma raccoon climbed up the tree and walked along the back wall — followed by her three little ones. They were very sweet.
pre-crepuscular visitor
She made off with all speed, which isn’t very much, for a raccoon.
urban critter
A big raccoon just walked along the back wall of our garden.
Yeah, I know, I really should stop being amazed by city wildlife. Maybe when I grow up.