The following shell script will, after a five second delay, save a screenshot every second for the next minute:
sleep 5
for f in $(jot 60)
screencapture -wC $(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%).png
sleep 1
echo $f
Tag: grab
timed screen grabs (with mouse pointer) on OS X
hey livejournal, quit claiming my content
Read this. Oddly familiar, huh? It would seem that LiveJournal is republishing my blog on its own site
The thing about syndicated publishing is that the author has at least given permission that it takes place. I gave LiveJournal no such permission. Sure, I have a public RSS feed, but I don’t expect people just to grab my whole site and publish it for their own ends. That’s not syndication, it’s theft.
They also have the gall to claim there’s a “syndicated user” wesawachicken. Again, I didn’t set that up. I wonder if I can make it implode by getting it to syndicate its own feed?