So via mefi I find this: What A Life! | cakeordeathsite.
I love it when people discover this book. It’s been a minor obsession of mine for nearly 30 years. I first put it on the web in March 2000 and updated it to then-current web standards in 2003: What a Life!: an autobiography. Over the years I’ve received a bunch of interesting notes from fans and even a couple from relatives of the authors. I marked it up the old, hard way: by scanning pages then re-keying the text. OCR wasn’t that great back in the day.
So I get kind of irked that this cakeordeath fella lifts my pictures and markup wholesale. Shame he didn’t understand how to copy CSS, ‘cos his formatting comes out worse than mine:

Crack open View Source on his and f’rinstance my Chapter 1,
<div> <p><span class="smallcaps">I</span> was born very near the end of the year. <img src="Images/wal009a.jpg" width="112" height="104" alt="calendar showing 29 December" class="right" /></p> </div> <p>The grange where I was born was situated in a secluded corner of the Chiltern Hills. Rumour had it that Queen Elizabeth had slept there.</p> <div class="centre"><img src="Images/wal009b.jpg" width="160" height="232" alt="doll's house" /></div>
<div> <p><span class="smallcaps">I</span> was born very near the end of the year.<img class="right" src="" alt="calendar showing 29 December" width="112" height="104"></p> </div> <p>The grange where I was born was situated in a secluded corner of the Chiltern Hills. Rumour had it that Queen Elizabeth had slept there.</p> <div class="centre"><img src="" alt="doll's house" width="160" height="232"></div>
I mean, come on … including my domain and image path in his image urls? Otherwise, it’s whitespace difference. I dunno, these kids today: lift anything without credit, so they would. Seems this dude is a semi-popular blogger, and I’d be vastly annoyed if he were getting ad revenue for this, while I did this for fun and it’s cost me to host it all these years.
There’s a further uncredited lift from Chris Mullen’s oldweb classic, Visual Telling of Stories. cakeordeath’s banner page scan is straight out of Chris’s Collage Pioneers: E.V.Lucas and George Morrow, What a Life! 1911 with the same file name. Was there credit? Was there shite …