At the corner of Warden & Steeles, there was a little farm. It’s gone now. I think they were better at growing than spelling.
Tag: warden
i really do remember when all this was fields: fresh sweet cron
first groundhog of 2007
Seen at Warden TTC — spring’s here!
I’m hanging out near Warden and Danforth while I get snow tyres (I still can’t kick that spelling) fitted. It irks me that I could buy a nice fixie for the cost of these wheels, but that’s owning a car for you.
wildlife warden
First sighting of one of the Warden TTC groundhogs today. That’s my official indicator of spring.
first groundhog
We saw the first groundhog of the year at Warden Station this morning.
signs of spring in scarborough
Fresh diggings around the groundhog hole at Warden Station. I haven’t seen the woodchuck yet, but it’s warm enough for it to be out.