In haste: The Apples in Stereo – Lee’s Palace, Toronto – 20 February 2007
(now updated to include better MP3s)
Tag: apples
Fresh Apples from Toronto
I’m still midway through splitting tracks, but I thought you might like to hear:
The Apples in Stereo – Please (live in Toronto, 20 February 2007)
Complete show to follow. I’m not really in a place that I could torrent this from, alas.
lee’s, please!
Casper & The Cookies and The Apples in Stereo rocked Lee’s Palace. Man, was that a good show. Once my ears work again, I’ll see if my recording came out.
Oh, and happy birthday Jason NeSmith!
everything’s feedbacking, can’t you hear it?
Best present for Groundhog Day ever – the Apples in stereo‘s New Magnetic Wonder.
actually, I’m particularly fond of them apples…
Yay, I’m so going to see The Apples in Stereo (with Casper & The Cookies opening) in February!
Doug’s AppleScripts for iTunes ♫ Managing Track Info – CD Text to CD Info
Doug’s AppleScripts for iTunes ♫ Managing Track Info fixes iTunes’ annoying lack of support for CD-Text.
Temporary hearing impairment for pleasure
(or, life without midrange)
The Apples in Stereo rocked The Horseshoe last night; Robert, Hilarie, John and Eric always give a great show, and they gave everything they had last night. It was especially cool, as Hilarie had just played a set as guitarist for her other band, High Water Marks.
Is it me, but on HWM’s song “Good I Feel Bad” do they really sing “She always keeps me open source”?