Tag: province

  • your vote counts – or does it?

    I was a little bemused about Ontario wanting 21 extra MPs, so I did some sums to see how many MPs each province/territory should have:

    2005 Population ‘Fair’ Ridings Actual Ridings %age over/under represented
    Canada (total) 32,270,500 308 308  
    Newfoundland and Labrador 516,000 5 7 +42%
    Prince Edward Island 138,100 1 4 +203%
    Nova Scotia 937,900 9 11 +23%
    New Brunswick 752,000 7 10 +39%
    Quebec 7,598,100 73 75 +3%
    Ontario 12,541,400 120 106 -11%
    Manitoba 1,177,600 11 14 +25%
    Saskatchewan 994,100 9 14 +48%
    Alberta 3,256,800 31 28 -10%
    British Columbia 4,254,500 41 36 -11%
    Yukon Territory 31,000 0 1 +238%
    Northwest Territories 43,000 0 1 +144%
    Nunavut 30,000 0 1 +249%

    The population data is from StatsCan for 2005, and the riding counts from Wikipedia, and checked on CBC’s election 2006 site. My analysis is a bit simplistic; everyone counted as population gets the same federal representation.

    Ontario, BC and Alberta are getting stiffed. Quebec is the fairest of them all. But if you really want your vote to count, and you can’t handle the Territories, move to PEI.

  • Standard Offer is Go – March 21

    From OSEA:

    The moment we have all been waiting for has arrived! The Ministry of Energy, the Premier, David Suzuki and OSEA will be announcing the Standard Offer Program on March 21st. We are organizing a celebration and press event in partnership with the Ministry of Energy that will take place at 3 pm at Exhibition Place, Toronto, home to Ontario’s first community wind turbine.

    Please mark this date in your calendar and watch for further notices (via email and at www.ontario-sea.org) on details regarding location, speakers and entertainment.

    This is a celebratory event – please everyone, let us celebrate the positive role the Standard Offer Contract program will play in Ontario for renewables, for community power, for cost effective power, and for our air quality and health!

    Thanks to everyone for their efforts!

    If the province has got this right, we really will see a lot more wind power in Ontario.

  • Ontario Government Giving Every Household a Say in Province’s Electricity Future

    The Energy Minister wants your thoughts on the Supply Mix. Quick, do you know what the supply mix is? Do you care?

    I’m guessing that, as long as the lights are still on, that you can read my blog, the fuel bills aren’t too high, and acide rain hasn’t caused the cat to rust, you don’t really care about the Supply Mix.

    But Donna Cansfield wants you to care. She’s sending everyone a brochure Our Energy, Our Future (online here) to make you think that they’d give a one before they go build nukes anyway. And since you were consulted, it’s your fault when the cost overruns roll in.