A new old calendar

simulated dot-matrix printer on ruled paper layout of an ASCII-art Snoopy in WW1 Air Ace regalia yelling "Curse you Red Baron!" at his imaginary nemesis, and a 2022 calendar laid out on the facing page
not seen the likes of this since ’78, I’ll be bound

It’s unlikely anyone wanted a faux-lineprinter ASCII art calendar for 2022, but you’re getting one anyway. You can print this yourself:

If you want to make your own, here’s a script: snoopycal.sh


  • Original “WW1 Fighter Pilot” Snoopy ASCII art from “SNOOPY.BA” for the DEC PDP-8, written by Mr Kay R. Fisher of DEC some time before July 1973. It’s referred to in the first printing of the “101 Basic Computer Games” book, which was published in 1973.
  • ncal, banner: their respective authors
  • pstext an ascii to PS filter by Dan Judd, usenet comp.lang.postscript, December 1989. I had to really mess around with the output of this program to use a custom font and add the music ruling, but it produces cleaner PostScript than the giant messes that enscript and a2ps have become
  • Font: mnicmp, by me. Based on the DecWriter II font.
  • iffy scripting, scribbly lines: also me.


The city decided to change its trash collection today, and most of our street (us included) didn’t know. We all got little yellow snarky notes saying that it was the wrong day. As I’ve never got one before when I mistakenly put out the wrong kind on the wrong day, they must’ve been expecting this.

The city really should’ve waited until next month, when last year’s trash calendars would have run out. As is, the reaccoons are going to have a banquet tonight on everyone’s trash at the curbside.

Standard Offer is Go – March 21

From OSEA:

The moment we have all been waiting for has arrived! The Ministry of Energy, the Premier, David Suzuki and OSEA will be announcing the Standard Offer Program on March 21st. We are organizing a celebration and press event in partnership with the Ministry of Energy that will take place at 3 pm at Exhibition Place, Toronto, home to Ontario’s first community wind turbine.

Please mark this date in your calendar and watch for further notices (via email and at www.ontario-sea.org) on details regarding location, speakers and entertainment.

This is a celebratory event – please everyone, let us celebrate the positive role the Standard Offer Contract program will play in Ontario for renewables, for community power, for cost effective power, and for our air quality and health!

Thanks to everyone for their efforts!

If the province has got this right, we really will see a lot more wind power in Ontario.