the automatic organ-playing stovepipe — scruss
Julian Koster played at our house last night as part of his Music Tapes Caroling tour. We had one other guest, Dan Farrar from Dunnville. It was a great night. Julian played some Music Tapes classics (he played Freeing Song by Reindeer, my favourite ‘Tapes song so far), while Badger Saw played some carols. A fun night.
Recording is here: Julian Koster – Music Tapes Caroling, our house – 1 Dec 2008:
for submitting The Music Tapes‘ Music Tapes for Clouds and Tornadoes to freedb under the genre reggae; all the other genres I tried had a disc ID clash.
Above all, though, draw a tiny musical note on your acorn.
The Singing Saw Shadow Show could be my new favourite band. Here’s one of their pieces: The Singing Saw Shadow Show, recorded live at the Tranzac, 10 May 2006 (mp3).
(I used my iRiver H120, flashed with the RockBox firmware, and Minigear Labs binaural mics.)
We just watched Salmer fra kj�kkenet, a Norwegian/Swedish film about kitchen efficiency in Norwegian bachelors’ homes in 1950. It’s a very touching comedy, and it even has a musical saw!
Years ago, the best online reference for musical saws was put together by Isabelle Garnier at the University of Bordeaux. It fell off the web a while ago, but thanks to, you can still read it in all its 1996 glory: Isabelle Garnier’s Musical Saw Home Page.
Ah, Saw Player News was in the mailbox. It’s a good day to be weird.