Hey! This post is completely ancient. It doesn’t even use Python 3. Advice given here might be well out of date.
… it complains that the oscilloscope is always making waves.
Ahem. Anyway. I have a Rigol DS1102E 100 MHz Digital Oscilloscope. For such a cheap device, it’s remarkable that you can control it using USB Test & Measurement Class commands. I’d been wanting to use a Raspberry Pi as a headless data acquisition box with the oscilloscope for a while, but Raspbian doesn’t ship with the usbtmc kernel module. I thought I was stuck.
Alex Forencich turned up in the forum with an all-Python solution: Python USBTMC (source: alexforencich / python-usbtmc). I got this working quite nicely today on both the Raspberry Pi and my Ubuntu laptop. Here’s how I installed it:
- Check your device’s USB code with lsusb:
$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9512 Standard Microsystems Corp.
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 1ab1:0588 Rigol Technologies DS1000 SERIES - Ensure that libusb-1.0 is installed:
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 - Create a new group, usbtmc:
sudo groupadd usbtmc - Add yourself to this group:
sudo usermod -a -G usbtmc pi - As root, create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/usbtmc.rules. You’ll need to put in your device’s ID values:
# USBTMC instruments
# Rigol DS1100 – ID 1ab1:0588 Rigol Technologies DS1000 SERIES
SUBSYSTEMS==”usb”, ACTION==”add”, ATTRS{idVendor}==”1ab1″, ATTRS{idProduct}==”0588″, GROUP=”usbtmc”, MODE=”0660″
(all of the SUBSYSTEMS to MODE= should be one one line) - Download and install the latest pyusb (Raspbian version is rather old):
git clone https://github.com/walac/pyusb.git
cd pyusb
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install - Now get python-usbtmc:
git clone https://github.com/alexforencich/python-usbtmc.git
cd python-usbtmc
python setup.py build
sudo python setup.py install - For this simple demo, you’ll need to convert the USB vendor IDs to decimal:
0x1ab1 = 6833
0x0588 = 1416 - Now, start python as root (sudo python) then type:
import usbtmc
instr =Â usbtmc.Instrument(6833, 1416)
print(instr.ask(“*IDN?”)) - This should return something like:
Rigol Technologies,DS1102E,DS1EB13490xxxx,
If you get the status line, congratulations! You now have a fully working usbtmc link. I haven’t had much time to play with this, but I know I can make really nice screenshots to an attached USB drive using the command: instr.write(“:HARDcopy”). Many more commands can be found in the DS1000D/E Programming Guide, available on Rigol‘s site.
I had a couple of problems, though:
The library seems to need root privileges, despite the udev rule thing. After creating the udev rule, you will need to reboot. This is the simplest way of getting it to work without being root.Reading from the ‘scope’s memory chokes on non-UTF8 characters. If I do:
rawdata = instr.ask(“:WAV:DATA? CHAN1”)[10:]
I get a lengthy Python error which ends:
File “/usr/lib/python2.7/encodings/utf_8.py”, line 16, in decode
   return codecs.utf_8_decode(input, errors, True)
UnicodeDecodeError: ‘utf8’ codec can’t decode byte 0x99 in position 10: invalid start byte
I have no idea what that means, or how to fix it. Alex suggested using ask_raw instead of ask, and the data comes through with no complaints.
I’ve still got to work my way through the Rigol’s data format, but other people have done that before:
- Controlling a Rigol oscilloscope using Linux and Python | C i b o M a h t o . c o m
- Ken Shirriff’s blog: Four Rigol oscilloscope hacks with Python
I’ll post any updates here, along with the Raspberry Pi forum topic: USB Test & Measurement class (usbtmc) driver?
Incidentally, if you’re working with WFM data dumps from the Rigol ‘scopes (and you should, because they make storing data to USB drives quick), mabl/pyRigolWFM is basically magic. Not merely can it describe and decode those binary files, it can do pretty graphics with no thought required:
Hat tip for the mention: MP3 Options & Oscilloscope Interfacing For Raspberry Pi @Raspberry_Pi #piday #raspberrypi « adafruit industries blog
Update, 2013-12-20: I’ve successfully managed to run most of Ken’s examples with Alex’s code. The major modification you have to do is use ask_raw instead of ask. Example code shown below:
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Download data from a Rigol DS1102E oscilloscope and graph with matplotlib using Alex Forencich's python-usbtmc pure python driver https://github.com/alexforencich/python-usbtmc scruss - 2013-12-20 based on Download data from a Rigol DS1052E oscilloscope and graph with matplotlib. By Ken Shirriff, http://righto.com/rigol which in turn was Based on http://www.cibomahto.com/2010/04/controlling-a-rigol-oscilloscope-using-linux-and-python/ by Cibo Mahto. """ import usbtmc import time import numpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plot # initialise device instr = usbtmc.Instrument(0x1ab1, 0x0588) # Rigol DS1102E # read data instr.write(":STOP") instr.write(":WAV:POIN:MODE RAW") # first ten bytes are header, so skip rawdata = instr.ask_raw(":WAV:DATA? CHAN1")[10:] data_size = len(rawdata) # get metadata sample_rate = float(instr.ask_raw(':ACQ:SAMP?')) timescale = float(instr.ask_raw(":TIM:SCAL?")) timeoffset = float(instr.ask_raw(":TIM:OFFS?")) voltscale = float(instr.ask_raw(':CHAN1:SCAL?')) voltoffset = float(instr.ask_raw(":CHAN1:OFFS?")) # show metadata print "Data size: ", data_size print "Sample rate: ", sample_rate print "Time scale: ", timescale print "Time offset: ", timeoffset print "Voltage offset: ", voltoffset print "Voltage scale: ", voltscale # convert data from (inverted) bytes to an array of scaled floats # this magic from Matthew Mets data = numpy.frombuffer(rawdata, 'B') data = data * -1 + 255 data = (data - 130.0 - voltoffset/voltscale*25) / 25 * voltscale # creat array of matching timestamps time = numpy.linspace(timeoffset - 6 * timescale, timeoffset + 6 * timescale, num=len(data)) # scale time series and label accordingly if (time[-1] < 1e-3): time = time * 1e6 tUnit = "µS" elif (time[-1] < 1): time = time * 1e3 tUnit = "mS" else: tUnit = "S" # Plot the data plot.plot(time, data) plot.title("Oscilloscope Channel 1") plot.ylabel("Voltage (V)") plot.xlabel("Time (" + tUnit + ")") plot.xlim(time[0], time[-1]) plot.show()
Thanks very much. More than enough to work on.
If anyone is interested getting USBTMC to work on a Mac, to find the vendor USB code, since OSX doesn’t have a lsusb command, you can use Apple info:
Click the apple in the top left corner — > Choose “About This Mac” — > Click “More Info” button  –> Click on the “System Report” button –> Choose Hardware and USB option under it to list all USB devices connected.
For the Mac, there is no need for all the mouse interaction. Use command-line
alias lsusb=’system_profiler SPUSBDataType’
Yes, but the output of system_profiler is hardly compatible with lsusb, and most Mac users are quite good with the mouse.
I’m trying to use the same technique (usbtmc) to talk to a Keithley 2200 power supply with a raspberry pi. The setup is the same, the instr.ask command works, but not the instr.write. Has anyone run into a similar problem?
Hi wtai, Probably you already solve it.
it works without problem… but good portion of the instructions require the instrument be set in remote mode… just few instructions accept in local mode, for example simulate front panel button requires the unit must be in local mode.
I tried to follow your code but my Pi is unable to communicate.
the error it shows is:
instr = usbtmc.Instrument(0x1ab1,0x8805)
File “build/bdist.linux-armv7l/egg/usbtmc/usbtmc.py”, line 336, in __init__
usbtmc.usbtmc.UsbtmcException: Device not found [init]
P.S I am using Rigol DS1054z
Is that the right USB ID for your device?
Also, I’ve heard that there are some problems with USB TMC and some Rigol scopes. I haven’t used this in years, so I don’t know which ones it affects.
Yes the ID is right (Bus 001 Device 007: ID 1ab1:8805 Rigol Technologies )
and I have manually installed usbtmc and it works when I import its library.
but I don’t know why its not able to communicate…
Sorry I can’t help you. I think there was something about this on eevblog. Not sure if there is a fix.
Hi and thanks a lot for the tutorial!
My instrument does connect (>>> instr=usbtmc.Instrument() does not throw an error, which it does when not connected), however I only get “usb.core.USBError: [Errno 110] Operation timed out” when hitting >>> instr.ask(…) or instr.write(..). I tried >>> ask_raw(…) which throws str to byte concat error unless the string is encoded >>> … “*IDN?”.encode(), but then again timeout. same with >>> instr.write_raw(..).
Any Ideas? All the best, Roland
No, sorry – haven’t done anything with this since 2013