Tag: ukulele

  • just hope I didn’t get a wee girl’s christmas present by mistake

    This arrived today:

    A bright pink EMUS soprano ukulele from Empire Music. I’m confused — not merely because I’ve never known Canada Post to deliver on a Sunday, but:

    • I haven’t ordered from Empire since 2007
    • I have a ukulele already
    • I’m relatively unlikely to have ordered a pink one.

    It actually plays quite well — but where did it come from?

  • what NBC sounds like in canada

    This is what NBC sounds like in Canada. I guess it’s okay to have a message, but no need to get all Yankee Hotel Foxtrot about it. I snipped off the obnoxious taco ads; NBC is so ad-infested that they have to wedge them in their videos.

    I was trying to watch a Molly Lewis video, but it failed. Guess they forgot the WW in the web …

  • I have to donate a spare ukulele

    I recently bought a basic ukulele from MusicGuyMic’s Ukulele in Hawaii. It’s a Kala concert uke. MusicGuyMic ships things really quickly, and unfortunately, he sent me a cheaper Makala one by mistake.

    I really hate querying sales on eBay, but Michael was exceptionally reasonable: he sent me the proper Kala uke, and told me to keep the other one to play with a friend. I think I need to do better than that, so I’m wondering who really needs a uke, and I’ll give it to them. It’s not the greatest instrument in the world, but it’s a good starter one.

    I’ve heard of The Ukulele Project, but it sounds like they have all the instruments they need. I wonder if my uke friends Cathy & Skizz near Baltimore know? Closer to home, anyone at the Corktown Uke Jam?

    (One other thing I’ll say about MusicGuyMic – he does an unbelievable setup job on his instruments, even the cheap ones. The fretboards are oiled, frets filed and polished, bridge adjusted for intonation, and really good Nylgut strings fitted as standard. That’s the sort of thing that makes an instrument so much easier to play.)

  • strings = strings + 10

    Perhaps somewhat rashly, I bought a Godin SD XT from Encore Music Exchange. It seems to be a lot of guitar for the money (others agree). Still no amp for it, so it’s sounding like a very quiet bee when I play it. A tonally rich bee,of course.

    I do have to make special mention of Encore. It’s a very friendly store, and the owner has it set out like a living room. I’m sure I’ll be back.

    So why ‘strings + 10’? Even more rashly, I bought a wee bit of Canadiana on eBay: a Northern Doane-style concert ukulele. Hey, it was cheap …

  • practising detachment (badly)

    As if I don’t have too much stuff already, these are things I
    know I don’t need, but want:

    • Mini iPod — I can’t
      afford one of the big ones. If this can’t be used with Linux when
      it’s announced in early January 2004, the game’s a bogey.
    • Lomo LC-A
       — yes, I know it’s an overpriced, unreliable
      ripoff of the
      Cosina CX-1
      , and that digital is much cheaper to run, and that
      my Yashica
      Electro-35 GTN
      gives better performance for less money,
    • Green coffee
       — freshly-roasted coffee tastes better than
      you could imagine.
    • Wacom Graphire
      graphics pad — because my existing cheapo pad doesn’t
      actually do much.
    • Fluke
       — I missed out on getting a uke when I was a
      nipper, and I’ve wanted one ever since.
    • Blondel
      Cittern Guitar
       — because if I’m going to learn to
      play the guitar, I might as well get a portable one.

    I think this all goes to show what you already know:
    blogging makes you shallow.