Tag: graphics
practising detachment (badly)
As if I don’t have too much stuff already, these are things I
know I don’t need, but want:- Mini iPod — I can’t
afford one of the big ones. If this can’t be used with Linux when
it’s announced in early January 2004, the game’s a bogey. - Lomo LC-A
camera — yes, I know it’s an overpriced, unreliable
ripoff of the
Cosina CX-1, and that digital is much cheaper to run, and that
my Yashica
Electro-35 GTN gives better performance for less money,
but… - Green coffee
roaster — freshly-roasted coffee tastes better than
you could imagine. - Wacom Graphire
graphics pad — because my existing cheapo pad doesn’t
actually do much. - Fluke
ukulele — I missed out on getting a uke when I was a
nipper, and I’ve wanted one ever since. - Blondel
Cittern Guitar — because if I’m going to learn to
play the guitar, I might as well get a portable one.
I think this all goes to show what you already know:
blogging makes you shallow. - Mini iPod — I can’t