Tag: tablet

  • I’m crap at tracing

    traced A, from GeorgiaI’m getting slightly better with my drawing tablet, but have a long way to go.

  • democracy can be so tiresome

    Someone’s been moving the Wkipedia article I created for Scots Tablet, ‘cos they claim the One True Name is Swiss Milk Tablet — a name I’d never heard.

    “Swiss Milk” is an unusual name for an American invention, condensed milk.

  • Tablet on Wikipedia

    There’s now a rather short Wikipedia article on Scots Tablet. I also discovered, thanks to A Spoonful of Sugar, that there’s a similar South American sweet called tableta de leche.

    I guess we’re all Jock Tamson’s bairns, united worldwide with bad dentition.

  • Radio Silence

    Wouldn’t you know it, but my tablet recipe appears to have fallen off the net? It’s supposed to live here: http://purl.oclc.org/NET/scruss/scots_tablet, but it appears to have gorn. Such irony after wowing GTABloggers with it last night.

    Happy Thanksgiving, eh!

  • illicit substance: Caffeinated Scots Tablet

    I make Scots Tablet; in fact, I’m almost famous for it. I also roast my own coffee, which I get from Merchants of Green Coffee. What harm could come from combining the two, I thought?

    Plenty, is the answer. By adding ¼ cup (measured before grinding) of finely-ground coffee beans to a half batch of tablet has resulted in almost black tarry lumps that combined sugar, butterfat and caffeine into a mallet-to-the-back-of-the-head rush.

    Next time, I might use just a smidge less coffee. At the moment, it’s like a cross between full-on Rademaker’s Haagsche Hopjes and Uncle Ump’s Umpty Candy. I suspect that the RCMP will come knocking soon.

  • Tablet Fame

    It seems that the Sunday Herald — one of Scotland’s better broadsheet newspapers — has picked up on my Scots tablet recipe. In an article called 100 Things To Do In Scotland Before You Die, they cite http://purl.oclc.org/NET/scruss/scots_tablet

    Part of the 100 Things To Do In Scotland … article is online, but omits Aunt Celie’s recipe. Oh well.

    Thanks to David Marsh and former Collins colleague Jennifer Baird, who both spotted this.

  • tablet recipe revisited

    Before revising (and moving) my tablet recipe, it needs some clarification:

    • I damp the sugar with about ¼ cup milk. The amount isn’t critical; too little, and you risk burning the mix. Too much, it just takes a while to boil off.
    • 1kg of sugar is about 5½ cups.
    • 100g butter is about 4/5 of a stick.
    • I now use a 310×480mm (I think that’s 11×19″) large cookie pan for setting. It fills nicely, and makes nice thin slabs.
  • mmm

    Just discovered Reese’s White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups. They are so good.

    For various reasons, I don’t eat “brown” chocolate. I love Reece’s Pieces, and so these are perfect. But with 910kJ per pack, I won’t be eating too many.

    Typically, these things are a time-limited edition. Sweets I like always get discontinued. I guess that’s why I make my own.