20 years ago, this was one state-of-the-art brick:
The only way to get pictures from it is via the floppy disk drive on the side. Then you’ve got a bunch of images with 8.3 filenames and the only metadata being the date saved from the camera’s clock. I’d written about it before, but I had an event that I wanted to record with a suitable camera, so adding some metadata to the pictures became important.
#!/bin/bash # mavicafix - add some basic exif info to MVC-FD91 images # scruss - 2019-12 jhead -mkexif "$@" jhead -ta+5:00 "$@" exiftool -Make='Sony' -Model='MVC-FD91' -Orientation=1 -n "$@" jhead -ft "$@" rename '$_=lc($_);' "$@"
What it does:
- uses jhead to add a minimal EXIF header containing the file modification time
- corrects that time (I think the Mavica expects it in UTC) to my local time
- adds basic make/model/which-way-up data using exiftool
- Corrects the file modification time back to the stored EXIF value
- renames the files to all lower case.