Note to the LCBO: neither Bushmills nor Jameson could ever be described as Scotch.
Tag: lcbo
a great place to be *from* …
[Bit of background here. I’m Scottish, but I live in Toronto. Canada is big, Scotland isn’t.]
There’s this thing I like to call The East Dunbartonshire Conspiracy. I used to live in Kirkintilloch in East Dunbartonshire. It’s a small central Scotland town, rapidly becoming another suburb of Glasgow.
Since coming to Canada, most of the expat Scots I have met are from East Dunbartonshire:
- The LCBO guy in Toronto Union Station is from Kirkintilloch, about 100m from where we used to live.
- Another LCBO guy on the Danforth is from Bishopbriggs, where I used to work.
- The GO Train customer relations person who called me about the new proposed train station at the end of our street (yay!) grew up in Bishopbriggs, and has relatives I think I worked with when I was at Collins, the publishers.
So what’s this all about? Why are so many people leaving East Dunbartonshire for Toronto? Is it the horror of living at 56°N, with dark, windy wet winters? Who can say?