little turbine on the desk

GE 'Your Wind Turbine In A Box'

I’ve finally managed to snag a model wind turbine. Thanks to Jay Wilgar at AIM Powergen, I now have a GE Your Wind Turbine in a Box 1/265 scale turbine, complete with tiny plastic cow.


17 Responses to “little turbine on the desk”

  1. Kath Avatar

    So where’s the photo of this little wonder?

  2. Kath Avatar

    That’s so cute! Does it have batteries, so you can use it as a desk fan in summer? 😉

  3. […] (no, this isn’t a real picture; it’s a macro shot of my wind turbine in a box.) […]

  4. mike Avatar

    can i have one

  5. scruss Avatar

    Sorry, no. It’s taken me some years in the industry to get one.

  6. Warrick Avatar


    I’m with the Rhode Island (USA) Wind Alliance. Our director had a similar model but recently as it was on display at a event it took a spill to the disappointment of us all.

    Any tips for tracking a new one down?


  7. scruss Avatar

    Talk to your GE dealer, Warrick. These are probably the easiest ones to get. Vestas, Siemens and Enercon are harder to get.

  8. Erwin Avatar

    I work at Vestas. These models can be bought by all Vestas employees in the company store.

  9. vicky Avatar

    HELP!!! I need to get a turbine model by next week. Looking for something about 10 inches high. Can you tell me where you get this one?

    thanks SO much.

  10. scruss Avatar

    Sorry, Vicky – these are kind of hard to get. GE, Siemens, Vestas and Enercon give them out to customers.

  11. Greg Avatar

    I came across one. It’s for sale for the right price. I love it but if you love it more then we can talk. Happy New Years everybody.

  12. Bryan Avatar

    Just wondering if you still have it Greg I would be willing to pay well for it if its a GE I have been in the wind industry for a few years and really would enjoy having one of these

  13. JESSE DANIEL Avatar

    The way they made it looks so realistic. Do the blades spin?

  14. scruss Avatar

    Yes they do!

  15. Sarah Avatar

    I have a vestas wind turbine desk model with box that I got from a vestas employee that was in England promoting the turbines to customers. I was going to put in auction …anyone interested ..serious offers please as know they are rare

  16. Oskar Avatar

    Please may I have one I’m a child(who is 12) that had all ways been interested in wind turbines I tried finding some but none were found cause they are not in sale anywhere please may I get one by Christmas 2022

  17. scruss Avatar

    sorry, Oskar – I don’t have any to give away

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