I use — and quite like — AllofMP3.com. While it’s good that they don’t require special software to download the songs, clicking and saving each link on a page is a pain.
If you save the download page basket.html, you’ll be able to run the following one-liner to get all the files from it:
tr ' ' '
Update: Well, as you can see, the above code is all munged, but it’s moot since allofmp3 is basically dead and gone. If the service still works, one of the wget tricks in the comments will work as expected.
Thanks for this great one liner, it works a treat. I just did a google search for ‘allofmp3 linux’ and ended up here. It’s exactly what I was after…
You can also click on “List of all links”, save that page to a file, and then run (in that directory):
wget -Fi mylinks.shtml
If you people are using mozilla or firefox (if you’re not why not?) with *nix then I reccomend this, it’s a bit like Wes’s script but there is no need to download the links page manually. The problem is the cookies, make sure your cookies.txt location is correct.
wget --load-cookies ~/.mozilla/firefox/default/cookies.txt -O fl.html http://reg.allofmp3.com/mylinks.shtml ; wget -Fi fl.html ; rm -f fl.html
The files will be downloaded to the current directory.