Tag: quebec
la belle province
Hydro-Québec announced their wind RFP winners yesterday. It’s a huge deal for the industry; more than 2000 MW of contracts awarded, with commissioning dates ranging from 2011-2015. Enercon and REpower won all the manufacturing; strict local content requirements mean that they will have to set up shop in Québec.
This is good for the Canadian industry. Now the real work begins.
but at least I didn’t jump up and down like Reese did in “Election”
Last night at the banquet and annual awards ceremony, I was elected onto the board of directors of The Canadian Wind Energy Association (L’Association canadienne de l’énergie éolienne). The other new directors are:
- Gary Pundsack of Invenergy
- Bill Smith of Siemens
- Larry Jacobs of NRG Systems
I’d like to thank everyone who helped me, and look forward to a busy three years on the board.
hunger strikes twice
On the way to Canwea in Quebec, I stop for food – and find the place oddly familiar. Seems that Catherine and I stopped in this same A&W in St Nicolas on the way to PEI.
It’s not as if we sought out A&W; it’s just what was there. -
in Quebec (just) for my birthday
Nice of them to have their holiday especially for me. It’s appreciated.