Category: relations

  • Wendy has another website

    Her work one, that is: Arrowsmith Training Consultancy. So if you’re in the Northallerton area and in need of a MBTI® and FIRO-B® practitioner, give her a call.

  • Happies!

    Happy Birthday, Catherine! And to her niece Emma, too, here in St Louis.

  • Meet Mr Random

    It seems that, every time I fly to the US, I get to be chosen as the randomly searched guy. I try not to look too terroristy, but it seems those security folks just love to pat me down. Thanks, but they’re not really my type. They also always look in my shoes, which are always teh stinky, tee hee.

    Flying into Washington, to the ridiculously-named Reagan International (I much preferred the old name, as in: dull, duller, Dulles), not merely was I the designated Mr Random (comme toujours), but everyone who flies into DCA has to go through the pat down anyway. So I was searched twice, within five minutes. Oh, and you have to get to your gate super-early, as they hold you for ages in a windowless room, as a sort of this-is-what-it-feels to-be-a-bad-person simulation.

    I noticed that someone was knitting. Not merely could they have flipped out and killed people with the needles in the Knitting Ninja style, but they could also have stood up in mid-flight and announced, “This plane goes to Cuba, or I knit the Holiday Robin Motif o’ Doom! Bwahaha!”

    When I got my checked luggage back, I saw that they’d opened it, searched it, and left a little note to the effect of: “If anything is missing or broken due to this search, we are so not liable! Have a nice day!”

    Welcome to the War on Terror, folks. Make sure you’re extra scared when you travel. And if your travel plans include terrorism, please ensure you don’t go via Reagan International.

  • catherine’s site

    I set up a site for catherine last night:

  • scruss’s guide to domestic harmony. part 314 …

    When your partner is quietly reading the paper on a Sunday morning, why not sneak up on her with an Airzooka and blast the paper away? It’s guaranteed to enhance her calm!

    (um… not!)

  • Happy Birthday

    Today would have been my Grandpa’s birthday. He was the one who made me want to be an engineer.