small change, again

Was at the CoinStar machine again today, 301 days after my last visit. I deposited 391 quarters, 316 dimes, 161 nickels and 514 pennies. That’s $142.54, or $128.57 after CoinStar’s cut. The small change weighed 4.4kg, and had a volume of approximately 1.3l.

So that means that we generate 47¢ in small change every day …


  1. I still use Dexit, about once a day, but there aren’t enough stores outside the downtown core that support it. At best, I can get my morning coffee with it.

    I have no complaints with the actual Dexit service. They’ve improved the reliability of the terminals, so I can nearly always rely on it working for me.

  2. I meant to blog that I turned in another $149.95 (or $135.25 after Coinstar’s cut) on the 17th of this month. Either I missed noting a visit, or my small change usage has dropped.

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