Discovered a cache of old jotters at my parents’ house, so first I give you steam trains.
Tag: mearns
in which I invent disemvowelling
I have made a new code where I miss out all the vowel's places like: Hll my nm s Stwrt Rssll -
computer fire 1977!
Last night one of my Dad's computers went on fire but they put it out -
the mail to cro(y)don
When I sent my first letter to Brooke Bond I sent it to: Brooke Bond Oxo L.t.d. Leon House high Street Crodon Surrey -
Early concern for Alan Longmuir
Did you know that one of the Bay City Rollers is resigning? -
unfortunate frog pyre
Once we got tadpoles and they grew until they were little frogs. And there was lots of little frogs about the house and they all got killed so we made a little crematorium of matches then we lit it and then pooh what a pong! if any frogs get killed please burn them. (Please feed them live plankton.) -
quite an extensive record collection
I will show you list of our LP's I think the ‘P&L’ refers to Peters & Lee.
plane tree trimmer
I made a plane that could chop off the branches of trees -
vauxhall viva CGG 306K
Two weeks ago my mummy got a Vauxhall Viva estate