Category: sheesh!

  • Last Thursday at OANDA

    There will be no more after today. A strange feeling, like half-hearing The Polyphonic Spree from someone’s window.

  • highly subjective guide to wind turbine photography

    more than somewhat subjective:

    • don’t make the blades blur into a propeller-style disc
    • don’t show parked turbines
    • don’t show a windfarm with the turbines all pointing in different directions
    • don’t make ’em loom

    I’ll expand on this later.

  • renewable energy spam!

    Browsing through an old mail address’s cluttered inbox, I came across a message touting EnviroMission‘s Solar Tower technology. (Site warning: annoying flash graphics.)

    I’ve always been dubious of this idea — basically, build a big transparent canopy somewhere really hot, and exhaust the hot air through turbines at the base of an enormous concrete tower — but to get spam from them is quite the limit.

    Stuff like this doesn’t help the renewables industry. We’re building reliable machines that fit into a dependable power infrastructure. Fly-by-night spamming seriously damages the entire industry’s image.