the great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from

I have a suspicion that, while I Want My Green Plug and their associated blog One Plug. One Planet want to replace all power adaptors with theirs, all that will really happen is that:

number_of_power_adaptor_variants = number_of_power_adaptor_variants + 1

I’m not wild about their idea for DC power strips. The I2R losses would be huge.
Also, dealing with the world of input voltages and frequencies, not to mention the many plug variants, would make the thing huge, heavy and expensive.
But the fact is, there’s already a standard low voltage power adaptor: the USB mini-B.


3 Responses to “the great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from”

  1. Dong Avatar

    The great thing about the title here is – well, the title. I loved it: “the great thing about standards is that there are so many to choose from” since its so true. Remind me of other titles like some of the fox news titles that take your attention.

  2. scruss Avatar

    Sounds like I’m not alone:
    and it looks like the whole Green Plug thing hasn’t done anything in a year …

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