Robyn’s stolen guitar(s)

Robyn Hitchcock had his blue Fender Telecaster stolen in Toronto on Tuesday. For last night’s show he managed to borrow Barenaked Lady Stephen Paige’s black Tele.

I also suspect that his Fylde acoustic was stolen too. He was playing a small-bodied acoustic last night.

Mean people suck.


One response to “Robyn’s stolen guitar(s)”

  1. scruss Avatar

    From: Robyn Hitchcock

    Date: Nov 27, 2007 11:22 AM
    Subject: Robyn Hitchcock’s Stolen Guitar

    Fender American Standard Telecaster Serial # (x)13939732. Color is close to a sky blue. Please contact Robyn’s Tour Manager Brian Orloff if found. brianorloff {at} gmail [dot] com 206-851-6646. Thank You!

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