John Milloy responds

From: John Milloy MPP <jmilloy.mpp/ at />
Subject: RE: Bill 129, Highway Traffic Amendment Act, 2004

November 19, 2004

Dear Mr. Russell,

Thank you for contacting my office about Bill 129, the Highway Traffic Amendment Act. I appreciate your comments and I have noted your concerns about this legislation.

As you may know, on Thursday November 4, 2004 my Private Members Bill, Bill 129, unanimously passed second reading in the Legislature and was referred to the Social Policy Committee of the Legislature of further review. I was extremely pleased with the tri-party unanimous support for the Bill, and by the overwhelming support I have received from Ontarians throughout the province.

The bill proposes to change the existing Highway Traffic Act by making it mandatory for all individuals to wear a certified helmet when cycling, in line skating, skateboarding, etc. on public roadways.

The changes I have proposed in my Bill will have a significant impact on the number of brain injuries suffered by Ontarians as a result of road accidents involving cyclists in line skaters etc. For example, it has been calculated by the ThinkFirst Foundation of Canada, that if every adult bicyclist wore a helmet, 50 Ontarians would be saved from incurring a serious brain injury annually. Combined with the injuries prevented when in line skating, skateboarding or using other kinds of non-motorized wheeled vehicles on roadways and you have an enormous savings for our health care system – $4-$9 million over the course of a single victims lifetime – and a priceless emotional and physical gain for individuals and families throughout the province.

Beyond what the legislation will legally change, my goal with Bill 129 is to create a culture of safety in Ontario. As much as we like to think we are invincible, we are not. Head injuries do not discriminate on the basis of age or the type of wheeled recreational vehicle an individual is operating. Further, head injuries can result in the tragic loss of life, the shattering of hopes, or amoung other things, countless hours of rehabilitation.

Head injuries as a result of an in line skating, bike, skateboard or other wheeled recreational vehicle accident can be prevented by as much as 85% by wearing a simple helmet. Despite this, many individuals have not chosen to wear a certified helmet when operating these vehicles. I do not believe that the inconvenience of wearing a helmet outweighs the personal and financial cost of a potential injury and that is why I have sponsored this Legislation.

I recognize that regardless of the aforementioned statistics and arguments that you may still have concerns about the Bill. Please be assured that I will be tracking Ontarians views on Bill 129 as it proceeds through the legislative process, and that I will take each and every thought and suggestion into consideration.

Thank you again for taking the time to comment on The Highway Traffic Amendment Act. If you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.



John Milloy MPP
Kitchener Centre

Note: For your information I have consulted with the following organizations about Bill 129

Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police
Ontario Medical Association
Ontario Brain Injury Association
ThinkFirst Foundation of Canada
Association of Municipal Emergency Medical Services
Region of Waterloo Emergency Medical Services
Region of Waterloo Police Service
Toronto Police Service
Participation House – WR
Ontario Cycling Association
Various local cycling organizations
District and Public Health Offices
Many medical professionals
Canada Safety Council

I am still meeting, writing and talking with groups and individuals on this issue, and I will continue to do so while the Bill proceeds through the legislative process. Further, when the Bill reaches the committee stage there is possibility that there will be public hearings held.


4 Responses to “John Milloy responds”

  1. Daniel Vranesic Avatar

    At long last…the world will witness the great coiff covered by a thin plastic dome underlayed by styrofoam and velcro. (alliteration unintended, by the way).

  2. Brendan Avatar

    David Vranesic Was that an original thought or regurgitation of something you heard some time, somewhere? You are suffering from a bad case of the disease of wisdom- in simple English your verbal pocket play is nothing more memorized words taken from something other than your limited mind and para phrased to make you look smarter than you are. At least Mr. Milloy is stepping outside of the box and trying to make an honest difference in the lives of Ontarians. Might I suggest reading the Judgment of Thamus-and for god sakes don’t memorize it and spin it off as your own.

  3. scruss Avatar

    Um, Brendan, I think that Dan’s referring to my spectacular coiffure, not anyone else’s. But I strongly disagree with you on John Milloy’s stand; it’s dumb, futile, and annoying.

  4. Daniel Vranesic Avatar


    Sheer flattery! That you think me clever enough to turn a phrase that you believe to be plagiarized…my head may swell to the point that it no longer fits in my bike helmet.

    BTW Stewart, I added a Klein Aura XV to my collection. Yeee Hawww!

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