So I think I’ve got all the old articles appearing at their old urls using .htaccess Redirect rules. This is a modification of a method described in the WordPress MT-Redirect method.
I had a directory of the old numerically-named MT archives, so I used the following script to create a .htaccess file:
for f in 000*html do v=`basename $f .html` g=`echo $v | sed 's/^00*//;'` echo 'Redirect Permanent' /blog/archives/$f ''$g done
which looks like:
Redirect Permanent /blog/archives/000001.html Redirect Permanent /blog/archives/000002.html Redirect Permanent /blog/archives/000003.html ... Redirect Permanent /blog/archives/000322.html
I put this .htaccess file in the root (top level) directory of my domain, and it all works! Everything I set out to do when reindexing my old MT entries has been completed — see, lookit:
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