Tag: uist

  • aagh! brainscrub required!!

    So I was idly picking away on the mandolin sort of playing scales when this song from my childhood starts playing itself. It’s the Uist Tramping Song, and has ultra-cheesy lyrics:

    Come along, come along, let us foot it out together,
    Come along, come along, be it fair or stormy weather,
    With the hills of home before us and the purple of the heather,
    Let us sing in happy chorus, come along, come along.

    No, really. I always thought that footing it out would involve a lot of squelching, this being Scotland. Must’ve learnt it when I was 8 or so; our headmaster was a teuchter, so my head is filled with Gaelic-ish things still. One of the pieces I recently heard Rhiannon Giddens perform with the Carolina Chocolate Drops, so they’re not all bad.

    Anyway, to share the brainmelt, here it is in all its awfulness:

    Plus the score, if you care to: Uist Tramping Song [pdf].