I just found my first ESP8266 dev board. This was from way back before Arduino support, and long before MicroPython

It’s not really in a useful form factor, but it’s got some sensors and outputs:
- an LDR on the ADC channel
- RGB LED for PWM on pins 15, 12 & 13
- red LEDs pins 16, 14, 5, 4, 0, 2 with inverted logic: set them low to light them.
My board can’t quite be the earliest of the early, as it has 1 MB of flash. This is enough to install MicroPython, so I wrote a tiny test program for the outputs:
- run a binary counter every second on the six red LEDs;
- cycle through a colour wheel on the RGB LED while this is happening.
Here’s the code:
# esp8266 old explorer board
# see https://www.esp8266.com/wiki/lib/exe/detail.php?id=esp8266-dev-boards&media=esp8266-12_mod.png
from time import sleep
from machine import Pin, PWM
# LEDs are 16, 14, 5, 4, 0, 2 - L to R
# inverted logic: 1 = off
leds = [Pin(2, Pin.OUT, value=1), Pin(0, Pin.OUT, value=1), Pin(4, Pin.OUT, value=1), Pin(
5, Pin.OUT, value=1), Pin(14, Pin.OUT, value=1), Pin(16, Pin.OUT, value=1)]
# RGB for PWM on [15, 12, 13]
rgb = (PWM(Pin(15)), PWM(Pin(12)), PWM(Pin(13)))
# LDR on ADC
def cos_wheel(pos):
# Input a value 0 to 255 to get a colour value.
# scruss (Stewart Russell) - 2019-03 - CC-BY-SA
from math import cos, pi
if pos < 0:
return (0, 0, 0)
pos %= 256
pos /= 255.0
return (int(255 * (1 + cos(pos * 2 * pi)) / 2),
int(255 * (1 + cos((pos - 1 / 3.0) * 2 * pi)) / 2),
int(255 * (1 + cos((pos - 2 / 3.0) * 2 * pi)) / 2))
i = 1
while True:
i = i + 1
i = i % 64
w = cos_wheel(4 * i)
for j in range(3):
rgb[j].duty(4 * w[j])
for k in range(6):
if i & (1 << k):
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