BBC BASIC bot [beta2] on Twitter is lovely. You tweet a BBC BASIC program to it and it replies with an animation rendering of what your program would look like on a BBC Micro.
I sent it this:
1MODE4:VDU23,224,24,48,96,193,131,6,12,24:VDU23,225,24,12,6,131,193,96,48,24 2PRINTCHR$(224.5+RND(1));:GOTO2
which readers might recognize as 10 PRINT, the endless random maze one-liner for the C64. This program even inspired its own book – also called 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 – about simple generative art.
You can run it in your browser thanks to the amazing JSBeeb.
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