terminal colour silliness with Python

terminal text in rainbows

Using ansicolors:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# colourshen.py - stdin to rainbow stdout
# scruss, 2020-06

from colors import *            # see https://pypi.org/project/ansicolors/
import sys
wheel_pos = 0

def cos_wheel(pos):
    # Input a value 0 to 255 to get a colour value.
    # scruss (Stewart Russell) - 2019-03 - CC-BY-SA
    from math import cos, pi
    if pos < 0:
        return (0, 0, 0)
    pos %= 256
    pos /= 255.0
    return (int(255 * (1 + cos(pos * 2 * pi)) / 2),
            int(255 * (1 + cos((pos - 1 / 3.0) * 2 * pi)) / 2),
            int(255 * (1 + cos((pos - 2 / 3.0) * 2 * pi)) / 2))

def hex_wheel(pos):
    rgb = cos_wheel(pos)
    return('#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb)

def wheel_print(s):
    global wheel_pos
    incr = int(256/(1+len(s)))-1
    if incr < 1:
        incr = 1
    for c in s:
        print(color(c, fg=hex_wheel(wheel_pos)), end='')
        wheel_pos = (wheel_pos+incr) % 256

for txt in sys.stdin:

(fixed a very obvious ahem! in the code, hope no-one noticed …)

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