this is why I did wind power instead

07:32 - This is a Province of
Ontario emergency bulletin
which applies to people
within ten (10) kilometres
of the Pickering Nuclear
Generating Station. An
incident was reported
at the Pickering Nuclear
Generating Station. There
has been NO abnormal

Update, a few panicked minutes later: false alarm. Still no news release from OPG or province-wide phone alert to stand down, but there is this:

Just as a reminder, you can get potassium iodide pills for free if you live within 50 km of an Ontario nuclear installation. Go to

50 km buffer from GTA nuclear stations
50 km buffer from Pickering and Darlington nuclear stations. Includes all of Toronto and much of the GTA
50 km buffer from Bruce station
50 km buffer from Bruce station

I don’t know if I should be including Chalk River in this.

Further update: yup, they retracted it. But a scary wee-waa-wee-waa siren while the text is read in a robot voice is not very reassuring


There is NO active nuclear
situation taking place

at the Pickering Nuclear
Generating Station. The

previous alert was issued in
error. There is no danger to
the public or environment.
No further action is
Issued 09:11


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