announcing the automatic podcast

Every day, the automatic podcast presents a random selection from my music collection. And I mean random: cartoon incidental music, snatches of folk songs, instrument tuition, and ancient scratchy 78s nestle up against my favourite indie hits. And it’s all introduced by a synthesized compère. I have no idea what’s going to be in it each day, and no records are kept of what was offered yesterday. It’s meant to be a daily snapshot, not an ongoing record.

There are still a few bugs to get out of the RSS feed, but generally I’m happy with how it works. There is some listener discretion required, as I can’t vet what goes into each day’s presentation.

Update, 30 Sep 2008: think I’ve fixed the RSS problems.


One response to “announcing the automatic podcast”

  1. scruss Avatar

    It looks like I need to fix a couple of things in the feed:
    1) I need to have a unique guid for each item, and — I fear — a unique url. I don’t want to create archives if I can avoid it. Link –
    2) I need to create an Atom self-link –

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