Tag: urbine

  • O turbine thou art sick

    We had a component failure on the WindShare turbine today. Just when the winds have got really good, too. We know how to fix it, it’s just a matter of getting the people and the parts together.

  • queen west

    Went to Canzine today after meeting. Can you belive it, an almost full house and it was a silent meeting?

    Anyway, Canzine was full. Bought a couple of Spacing TTC buttons to show my commuter tribe affiliation (Kennedy — Union), and also a m@b book. Eveyone’s favourite Bramptonian Friendly Rich was there, being friendly and well-dressed. Jim Munroe looked in his element in his No Media Kings room.

    After that, I walked down to the turbine. The warm weather had brought the ladybirds out. They were all over the deck.

  • review of CanWEA 2005 swag bag

    So I’m at the 2005 CanWEA conference for the next few days. The swag bag is a standard nondescript nylon thing, thankfully big enough to take my iBook and a few other bits and pieces. The contents are a bit disappointing, though:

    • a very plasticky flashlight that I may discard after harvesting its batteries.
    • a small bag of jujubes.
    • a copy of North American Windpower magazine (which in itself is quite a decent magazine, so is actually one of the highlights).
    • a trade show guide, but no conference program (they were held up in customs; can’t we print ’em here?)
    • various company brochures, zzzz.

    You’ll note an absence of useful pens, pads, USB keys, model turbines, or other special swag. I was hoping for more …

  • Windsave, again

    Anent my previous rant about Windsave claiming impossible efficiencies, they’ve made some changes to their website. The machines now have larger diameters (1250 and 1750 mm — up from 1000 and 1400mm), and much lower rated power (500W and 1000W at 27mph — down from 750 and 1200).

    Plugging in those numbers to Cp = P / ( 0.48106 d2 v3 ), we get more realistic efficiencies of 0.378 and 0.386 (for the small and large machines, respectively).

    The Lakota turbine we installed last week has a nominal rated power of 900W at 28.8 mph for a 2.09m diameter rotor. It has a very conservative Cp = 0.20, although David Cooke says that typically they see 1,000 Watts at around 25mph (a Cp of around 0.34).

    At the other end of the scale, the Lagerwey LW52 is a 51.5m diameter machine rated at 750kW at 12ms-1. This advanced utility scale, variable pitch machine has a Cp = 0.34.

    Windsave’s revised figures are much more credible, but until we have real figures backed by a few years of installations, there’s little more we can say about them. I’m a little concerned that, although there are claims that 1000s of these machines have been sold, there’s not a single real photo of one on the web.

    I’m going to enjoy putting up an anemometer and logging system alongside the urbine downtown. We’ll see how it runs.

  • The Cyborg’s Windmill

    Steve Mann's Wind Turbine
    We spent the day helping wearable computing guru Steve Mann put a wind turbine on top of his Existential Technologies Research Lab (a.k.a. 330 Dundas St. West), smack-dab downtown in Toronto.

    We installed a True North Power Lakota turbine. We had David Cooke and Doug of TNP guiding us, and the installation went without a hitch.

    The picture above links to more pictures of the day’s activities. There are also Steve Mann’s Urbine pictures (and, if you really want bigger versions of my pictures, they are on scruss at eyetap).