Rockin’ it 8-bit (thanks to Maryke)

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Made with:

# - strongly influenced by Interstellar Selfie Station
# scruss - 2014-06-26

anytopnm "$1" |\
  pnmscale -xsize 160 |\
  pnmhisteq |\
  ppmdither -red 4 -green 4 -blue 4 |\
  pnmremap -mapfile < (echo P3 4 1 255 108 108 78 142 139 97 195 196 165 227 230 201) |\
  pnmscale -nomix 2 |\
  pnmtopng > "${1%.*}-selfi_sh.png"

Update, 2021: well, who knew that software that purportedly hasn’t changed since 2001 (netpbm on Debian) would change? This script broke between 2016–2021, and I had to remove the ppmtopgm line that was after the ppmdither call to make it work again.