Stuff I found out setting this up:
- some old OLEDs, like these surplus pulse oximeter ones, don’t have pull-up resistors on their data lines. These I’ve carefully hidden behind the displays, but they’re there.
- Some MicroPython ports don’t include the complex type, so I had to lose the elegant z→z²+C mapping to some ugly code.
- Some MicroPython ports don’t have os.uname(), but sys.implementation seems to cover most of the data I need.
- On some boards, machine.freq() is an integer value representing the CPU frequency. On others, it’s a list. Aargh.
These displays came from the collection of the late Tom Luff, a Toronto maker who passed away late 2024 after a long illness. Tom had a huge component collection, and my way of remembering him is to show off his stuff being used.
# benchmark Mandelbrot set (aka Brooks-Matelski set) on OLED
# scruss, 2025-01
# MicroPython
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from machine import Pin, I2C, idle, reset, freq
# from os import uname
from sys import implementation
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C
from time import ticks_ms, ticks_diff
# %%% These are the only things you should edit %%%
startpin = 16 # pin for trigger configured with external pulldown
# I2C connection for display
i2c = machine.I2C(1, freq=400000, scl=19, sda=18, timeout=50000)
# %%% Stop editing here - I mean it!!!1! %%%
# maps value between istart..istop to range ostart..ostop
def valmap(value, istart, istop, ostart, ostop):
return ostart + (ostop - ostart) * (
(value - istart) / (istop - istart)
WIDTH = 128
TEXTSIZE = 8 # 16x8 text chars
maxit = 120 # DO NOT CHANGE!
# value of 120 gives roughly 10 second run time for Pico 2W
# get some information about the board
# thanks to projectgus for the sys.implementation tip
if type(freq()) is int:
f_mhz = freq() // 1_000_000
# STM32 has freq return a tuple
f_mhz = freq()[0] // 1_000_000
sys_id = (
".".join([str(x) for x in implementation.version]).rstrip(
), # version
implementation._machine.split()[-1], # processor
"%d MHz" % (f_mhz), # frequency
"%d*%d; %d" % (WIDTH, HEIGHT, maxit), # run parameters
p = Pin(startpin, Pin.IN)
# displays I have are yellow/blue, have no pull-up resistors
# and have a confusing I2C address on the silkscreen
oled = SSD1306_I2C(WIDTH, HEIGHT, i2c)
# display system info
ypos = (HEIGHT - TEXTSIZE * len(sys_id)) // 2
for s in sys_id:
ts = s[: WIDTH // TEXTSIZE]
xpos = (WIDTH - TEXTSIZE * len(ts)) // 2
oled.text(ts, xpos, ypos)
ypos = ypos + TEXTSIZE
while p.value() == 0:
# wait for button press
start = ticks_ms()
# NB: oled.pixel() is *slow*, so only refresh once per row
for y in range(HEIGHT):
# complex range reversed because display axes wrong way up
cc = valmap(float(y + 1), 1.0, float(HEIGHT), 1.2, -1.2)
for x in range(WIDTH):
cr = valmap(float(x + 1), 1.0, float(WIDTH), -2.8, 2.0)
# can't use complex type as small boards don't have it dammit)
zr = 0.0
zc = 0.0
for k in range(maxit):
t = zr
zr = zr * zr - zc * zc + cr
zc = 2 * t * zc + cc
if zr * zr + zc * zc > 4.0:
oled.pixel(x, y, k % 2) # set pixel if escaped
elapsed = ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start) / 1000
elapsed_str = "%.1f s" % elapsed
# oled.text(" " * len(elapsed_str), 0, HEIGHT - TEXTSIZE)
0, HEIGHT - TEXTSIZE, TEXTSIZE * len(elapsed_str), TEXTSIZE, 0, True
oled.text(elapsed_str, 0, HEIGHT - TEXTSIZE)
# we're done, so clear screen and reset after the button is pressed
while p.value() == 0:
(also here: benchmark Mandelbrot set (aka Brooks-Matelski set) on OLED – MicroPython)
I will add more tests as I get to wiring up the boards. I have so many (too many?) MicroPython boards!
Results are here: MicroPython Benchmarks