The Holy Modal Rounders documentary DVD, Bound To Lose is now available for us international types. But the price? $28 in the US balloons to $40 elsewhere. At that price, I’d expect Peter and Steve to deliver it in person!
Tag: documentary
Mr Clean
I so want to see this documentary: Dr Bronner’s Magic Soapbox. (via)
saturday night with the resisters
Just back from Innes Town Hall, to see a screening of Let Them Stay, a documentary about US war resisters in Canada, hosted by War Resisters Canada. It was a fun evening.
I wonder if I should start wearing a resistor in my lapel: Support a Resister, Wear a Resistor? Sure beats wearing a triode for the War Amps …
End Of Suburbia As We Know It
I just watched the documentary The End of Suburbia. It explains, with wit and verve, that the suburban North American lifestyle is something that we can’t sustain. It’s got everything you need in a documentary: earnest Canadians, James Howard Kunstler, Toronto’s wind turbine, Prelinger Archive footage, and even a Cory Doctorow namecheck in the credits.
The Corporation
We went to see The Corporation last night. If corporations were real people, most of them would be psycopaths.