The info-midden welcomes midden-rakers!
- blog
- other blog — nerdy GIS Stuff, mostly.
- photo gallery
- Scots Tablet — the world-famous family recipe.
- 1000 Day Birthday Calculator [JavaScript] — silliness with dates in order to wangle more birthdays.
- Hoop Tiles — tesselation, or something, in JavaScript.
- Creating bilingual phrasebooks from a multilingual XML database — proof of concept of holding a many language phrasebook database in XML and extracting localised books as required.
- The Cult Of Pointy — a not-very-insidious cult that, despite my best efforts, is quite failing to sweep through the Greater Toronto Area.
- Uncle — my favourite children's books, remembered.
- ESL Bingo — a simple comprehension game for ESL class teachers.
- The Pentacon six TL Camera — affordable medium-format photography.
- Cafétype Photography — tastes better than Rodinal.
Things here and there
Done by me, but elsewhere, or not in this style:
- What a Life! — web version of the Dada classic.
- Augustus
Carp, Esq. — Henry Bashford's great work
of piety gone wrong.
Out of copyright in the US, and hosted on a US site.
Updated: now hosted locally, with spiffy SVG illustrations: Augustus Carp, Esq: by Himself.
Under New Management
Pages I wrote, now maintained by someone else:
- has all my Fred Lane & Raudelunas stuff.

Brought to you by the letter ɚ. No tables were harmed in the making of this website.