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Defines global variables that can be shared throughout a program or between
chained programs.

COMMON [SHARED] variablelistSHARED          Indicates that variables are shared with all SUB
                      or FUNCTION procedures.
    ■ variablelist    One or more variables to be shared:

                      variable[( )] [AS type] [, variable[( )] [AS type]]...

                      variable    A Basic variable name. Variable names can
                                  consist of up to 40 characters and must
                                  begin with a letter. Valid characters are
                                  A-Z, 0-9, and period (.).
                      type        The data type of the variable (INTEGER,
                                  LONG, SINGLE, DOUBLE, STRING, or a
                                  user-defined data type).

    ■ Unless it has been declared as a static array in a preceding DIM
      statement, an array variable in a COMMON statement is a dynamic array.
      Its dimensions must be set in a later DIM or REDIM statement.

            SHARED, STATIC           SUB
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