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Fills a graphics area with a specified color or pattern.

PAINT [STEP] (x!,y!)[,[{color% | tile$}] [,[bordercolor%] [,background$]]]STEP            Specifies that coordinates are relative to the current
                      graphics cursor position.
    ■ (x!,y!)         The screen coordinates where painting begins.
    ■ color%          A color attribute that sets the fill color.
    ■ tile$           A fill pattern that is 8 bits wide and up to 64 bytes
                      long, defined as follows:

                        tile$ = CHR$(arg1) + CHR$(arg2) + ... + CHR$(argn%)

                      The arguments to CHR$ are numbers between 0 and 255.
                      Each CHR$(argn%) defines a 1-byte, 8-pixel slice of
                      the pattern based on the binary form of the number.
    ■ bordercolor%    A color attribute that specifies the color of the
                      filled area's border. PAINT stops filling an area when
                      it encounters a border of the specified color.
    ■ background$     A 1-byte, 8-pixel background tile slice. Specifying a
                      background tile slice allows you to paint over an area
                      that has already been painted.

    ■ The available color attributes depend on your graphics adapter and the
      screen mode set by the most recent SCREEN statement.

    'This example requires a color graphics adapter.
    SCREEN 1
    CIRCLE (106, 100), 75, 1
    LINE (138, 35)-(288, 165), 1, B
    PAINT (160, 100), 2, 1

See Also    ASC, CHR$    CIRCLE    DRAW    LINE    SCREEN
            Color Attributes and Values    Screen Modes
 © Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1987-1992. All rights reserved.
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